
Thursday, May 29, 2008

We're Back!

We're back from our vacation where our swaggy hotel cost more than Mom & Dad's!


Mom says she's swamped with work but plans to start downloading vacation photos and posting on the blog soon... we even heard that she cheated on us and hung out with Dale Earnhardt Jr's dog Killer while she was away! Hmm... what's up with that??!! We want to hang out with Killer too... (Mom didn't take this picture... but its the only one we could find online of Killer)


Mom says she'll be back to the land of blogging really soon.... and she promises to post more pictures of us too!

Lots of kisses & high-fives,

Zeus, Lola, Teutul & Sophie

Monday, May 19, 2008

Packing & Procrastinating

Yes, I should be packing... but once again, I'm procrastinating. But hey, I'm more than half way finished, so a girl can waste more time tool around Ravelry looking for a cute little cell phone cozy pattern, right? After all, I need something to protect my new toy...


We have an awesome Kodak Easy Share 10x zoom camera that Matt got... and it takes awesome shots at the race track (hence the 10x zoom!), but since I've dropped it in a cooler once already and its a little bulky with the zoom lense, I got to thinking about picking up a tiny little camera. Something that I could easily slip in to my purse, knitting bag or even my pocket... something to sneak in to concerts always have on hand for quick shots and to be able to take on all my fiber ventures without fear of dropping it (in a cooler or otherwise). So... thanks to the IRS stimulus checks (no, I did not blow mine on yarn!), I am now the proud owner of a cute little Kodak M863... in pink! Its tiny and cute, plus it goes along with the rest of our Easy Share components. I think after I get back from vacation, she will get one of these, unless anyone has a better suggestion?

Besides my fun new toy, I also have another FO! I went searching for baby/toddler slipper patterns for donations at The Granite State Knit-In next month (because, after all, I'm a procrastinator and there's no way I'll get adult sizes finished in time), as slippers are the contest and donation item this year. Behold... the Magic Slippers!

magicslippers2 slipper2

Aren't they just the cutest things ever? Now I know what I'm doing with my leftover sock yarn... and for all new babies! I'm planning to get a few more pairs made for the knit in... they whip up pretty fast and no seaming! I'm going to try heavier yarn and bigger needles in hopes of producing toddler sizes (these are truly infant size as is)...

I hope everyone has a safe & happy Memorial Day... I'm off to Charlotte!!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spoiled from the Land Down Under!

I received my ISE6 swap package yesterday and was totally blown away! Christine from Austalia (make sure you check out her cool etsy shop!) was my amazing spoiler and has become a great new friend! She kept in touch with me all throughout the swap and after she mailed off the package, started dropping clues here and there, which made it quite fun. Christine also really paid attention to my blog and learned a lot about me, which is evident in the goodies she sent.

Matt came home from the post office yesterday and immediately said "Honey... why is someone in another country sending you yarn??" LOL, silly men... I tore in to the box right away and found this "Save a Life" tote inside the box, filled with all these beautifully wrapped goodies...



The tote is from Little Lizzy Lou and is a blue ribbon girl, showing awareness for Colon Cancer (quick Mom update... she just finished up her last round of the chemo pill and is going in for a cat scan, then to meet with her doctor this week!)!!! I just love Little Lizzy and was so touched when I found out the story behind the bag!

When I tore in to all the pretty packages, I just kept finding more and more meaningful things...


Christine sent not one, but two beautious scarves, a skein of Silk Merino 8ply from The Knittery (what to make, what to make??!!), a cute doggy tape measure, a pet towel from the RSPCA (which, in its compressed form, Sophie thinks is a cool new toy), 2 wonderful buttons/pins (Shut Down Puppy Mills & Adopt Shelter Pets - love them!), a sock blocker keychain with yarn from The Unique Sheep, chocolate coated espresso beans from Zentveld's Coffee (Christine says the beans are grown not far from her house) and the coolest handmade doggy theme notecards ever! I absolutely love everything and it means so much to me that Christine took the time to find dog & rescue related items, as well as colon cancer. Thank you Christine - I love it all! I had so much fun with this swap and can't wait for ISE7!

Now on to some more pics... first up, the gorgeous Silk Merino yarn....


Beautious #1 (I still can't believe I got two!).... the Wavy scarf in a gorgeous, vibrant red! I almost can't wait for fall to wear this...


The second is Christine's own take on the
Midwest Moonlight scarf and it is absolutely stunning! She used another of The Knittery's yarns, the Merino Chubby Sock (I just might have to order me some of this yarn soon... shhh, don't tell Matt!) in a colorway that is just so me, called Purple Night... this scarf is so stunning I'm actually sitting here with it drapped around my neck now!

My kids were being nosey helped with the photo shoot today...

RedScarf_tutlolaB Lola_purplescarf

After the scarf pics were taken, I took the opportunity to work on that elusive good shot of all 4 kids and managed a few that I do love (for those of you who always ask how - well, 1) have treats in your hand and 2) use a digital camera as it will require several hundred shots to narrow it down to a few good ones)...
All4_51808 All4_51808c

These evil things were also watching... but I made sure to keep my distance and will be even more sure to send Matt out there with some hornet spray tonight... ick!


Enjoy the rest of your weekend... I need to get back to procrastinating packing...

Friday, May 16, 2008

FO Friday!

Its been a long time since I've had a FO Friday! I finished up my ISE6 pal's scarf last night and sent it North this morning with some extra treats.


Pattern: Cross Stich Scarf from 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders

Yarn: Patons SWS, Natural Earth Colorway, 2 skeins

Needles: Size 10 1/2, Clover bamboo

Details: I heart this pattern & scarf! It is a quick knit, although as most of you know, I'm the queen of multi-tasking so instead of taking me just a few nights, it took a few weeks because I kept setting it aside for other things. I will make more of these for gifts (family & friends, that's your cue to put in your birthday & holiday requests... its so much easier when I know what you want). I adore the way the SWS knit up and used 2 full skeins, which resulted in a scarf just over 75" long (unstretched!)... making for a great wrapping/stylish scarf! I sure hope my ISE pal likes it half as much as I do!



Enjoy the rest of your TGIF! With the weekend (and hopefully some extra time) upon us, why don't you hop on over and check out Vickie Howell's CRL2 podcast... well, actually you're going to have to wait until Thursday, May 22 for the launch, but you can bookmark it now!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

No Mommy, I Did Not Poop in Your Flowers

Happy Dogs on Thursday! This will be a quick post today... for those of you who only visit on doggy days, please scroll back a couple posts for a report on the NH Sheep & Wool festival!

The kids have been enjoying the nice weather lately...

Teutul {as always, more pics when you click linked names} caught trying to poop in Mommy's unweeded flowers stopping to smell the tulips, then doing his best "No, No... please don't drag me inside..."

Teutul_51308b Tut_51108

Zeus zipping around outside and then all pooped out inside. You might notice the XXL size dog bed and how he's using it like a pillow as opposed to putting his whole body on the bed... that's my goofball!

Zeus_51308runB Zeus_bed51108

Sophie stopping to smell everything... and on the hunt for anything to chase (birds, moths, ants, flies, squirrels...)...
Sophie_51308c Sophie_51308d

For some reason Lola must've been a little camera shy this week, but here she is posing hanging with Mommy and a repost of her Royal Highness after her bath a couple weeks ago...

NicLola_51108 Lola_42108c

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Purple Passion Voodoo

As mentioned yesterday, I received my Spring Coffee Swap package from the wonderful Criquette - check it out!

These lovely wrapped packages...


Turned in to all this...

It is always cool to have someone you know spoil you (but don't get me wrong, making new friends is cool too) and Katie definitely shows how well she knows me... she put together this vibrant "Purple Passion" themed package after all! Inside the box I found goodies, goodies and... more goodies!

There were yummy treats ~ Voodoo Blend coffee (love the name - can't wait to try!), a Starbucks mocha dark chocolate bar and Starbucks caffee mocha truffles. mmmm

There were even yum-yums for my kids from one of their most favorite places, Three Dog Bakery ~ Lick 'n Crunch cookies and their most favorite Beagle Bagles! Teutul and Zeus were quite excited that the nice lady thought of them... as were my girls, but they were inside drooling through the door during the photo shoot.



There were cute accessories ~ coffee theme napkins, the cutest "My Name is No-No, Bad Dog... What's Yours?" post-it notes and 2 unique mix CDs that Katie made for the drive to work (so cool!)....

There was yarn.... not one, not two, but three skiens.... Dream in Color Classy (oooh... how I heart this squishy, yummy yarn), Cotton Classic and Four Seasons Cotton.


There was the handmade part of the swap... Kate had stalked me on Ravelry looked into my Ravelry queue and saw that I had Calorimetry listed... then, on & off her needles - in a most gorgeous handpainted yarn - it went! I absolutely adore it, however if you read my post yesterday, you know that I'm sad to report that it is too big (I'll spare you from my ranting about a pattern revision again). humpf I will experiment with it and see if I can use it for a neckscarf or maybe fold it somehow (right now it fits my entire head - I can even button it under my chin and do my best grandma impression). Any suggestions?


Isn't it gorgeous? And as I said, Katie knows me well... check out the awesome button (I had trouble getting the camera to focus but its a shiny silver with a rhinestone in the middle and oh so awesome!)...


Thank you Katie aka Criquette! The package was truly awesome and I adore the "purple passion" theme!

When I was photoing last night, I noticed some more purple passion...

Tulips_51308 Tulips_51308b

Now hold on to your ooohhs and aaahhhs and pretty tulips.... remember how I told you that I DO. NOT. WEED.? Here's the un-zoomed in proof...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sheep and Yarn and Alpaca and SNOW?

I spent Mother's Day at the NH Sheep & Wool fesitval with Joanne and a couple of blogless girls, Cheryl & Marlene. What an excellent day for fiber frolicing - the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold!

While none of us were looking for spinning related items, we did happen upon some beautiful wheels, including this beauty (click for a 2nd view)...


Look at that wood work... and the matching chair too boot! The pictures hardly do it justice.

Of course there was a lot of other stuff to buy... including yarn! I had gone with the attitude that if it wasn't something I really loved or unusual, I wasn't going to buy it... I'm at the point where my credit card company could see a $1000 yarn store purchase in Hong Kong and never question if the charge was legit or not in my stash where I don't need to just buy yarn for the sake of buying yarn. So I ended up walking away with just 3 skeins...


From left to right, that is a 3.5 ounce skein of hand painted alapca from Sallie's Fen Alpacas... a skein of Seacoast Handpainted Llama/Wool in the colorway Colorado and... a skein of Seacoast Handpainted Mohair/Wool in the colorway Pink Patch. Both of the Seacoast yarns were marked down to a steal and the alpaca was just one of those that I couldn't leave behind! I'm not totally sure what they are destined for just yet... possibly mitts for me, maybe a baby something with the pink patch... maybe a Calorimetry, although I just received my Spring Coffee Swap package and my awesome pal Criquette made one for me .... its gorgeous, but after a quick try on in the office bathroom, sadly its too large... BUT, that got me to searching on Ravelry for input on the sizing (seems its too wide for most everyone - you'd think by now they'd have publised a revision!) and it looks like less stitches, less repeats and maybe even smaller needles are the way to go...

My only other purchases for the day were a delicious buffalo cheese steak and some apple crisp... and this sweater pattern...


Both Joanne & I were ooohing and ahhing over the sample and then realized the vendor was wearing another version. Its gorgeous... and the only sewing in the entire thing are the buttons!

Now I'll leave you with a montage of cutesy animal photos because you know there were plenty...

This is the sheep impression of my Lola & Sophie...

There were lots of cute sheep...
Sheep_white MomBaby_sheepB
BabySheep_black Baby_readyformycloseup

There were sleeping sheep... and smiling sheep...



There were fluffy alpaca...

Alpaca_fuzzywhite Alpaca_fan

And alpaca with cute hair cuts...

Alpaca_haircut Alpaca_sayhi

Curious alpaca...


and the cutest little angora goats!

There was even this...

Yes, you non-New Englanders... that is left over snow!!!!!!!!

Oh and as for the coffee swap package, I picked it up on my way to work and did bring it inside for fear of meltable goodies inside (I was right!) and snapped a quick camera phone pick before tearing in to the beautifully wrapped goodies... I'll post more about the package & real pics tomorrow!
