
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tagged by a Pixie Fart!

I got tagged by a stranger... a Pixie Fart! She found me through the Dishcloth Swap...

So, this is how it works:
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write on their own blog those 7 facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

Here are my facts:
1. I love peanut butter.
2. My first job was at Musician Magazine, which was owned by Billboard.
3. I lack patience... greatly!
4. I love to organize things.
5. One of my biggest fears is fire.
6. I was born & raised on Cape Ann... Gloucester, MA, which is actually an island... and I don't swim!
7. I did PR work for local (and some national) bands from when I was about 18 - 21 or so... it got me in to clubs & bars before I was old enough (shhh!). I always had it in me to do public relations/marketing work... it was fun and had quite a few perks (and anyone who ever uttered the term "groupie" was promptly smacked in the face)!

Now its my turn to tag:

(Manch Vegas girls... I tried to leave a lot of you "open" for others to tag!) :)


  1. Awesome first job!
    (And sssshhh....I also have band related times in my life. I shall not speak of it though.)

  2. Okay, my tag will be posted tomorrow! now I understand why you have such good taste in music. Have a great week.

  3. Hi there! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the nice comments you left for me (and Gnuman) on the gnome swap site! I appreciate it :) And thanks for sharing your 7 random facts too - very cool!

  4. Great 7 facts....

    You must be excited, only 2 more days until vacation! Have a great time in case we don't chat before then!


  5. I'll do this eventually...
    How are the puppies?


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