
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spoiled by a Sneaky Multi-Tasker!

So if you haven't hopped on over and joined our little online party at the Multitasking 9-5 group on Ravelry, what are you waiting for? We are in the midst of sending & receiving packages in our first swap and I was spoiled by the ever-so-sneaky GeorgeAnne. Sneaky girl told me she was sending out some Cirque du Soleil swag (long story short, she has one of the coolest jobs), which really turned out to be my swap box! Lookie at all the amazing things she sent...


One of the swap requirements was a handmade item from the spoiler. It did not need to be large.. did not need to be knit or crocheted... just something simple, made by her own 2 hands. Well, I got extra spoiling with this beautious, vibrant purple crocheted shawl (which I had earlier eyed in her Ravelry projects!)!



Isn't it gorgeous? It will do wonders for me come this fall when my office gets a tad chilly from those who seem to think that AC is required to be on high even in October!

Another requirement of the swap was a skein of yarn... and I got 3! She sent her very own Zona Blue Design (be sure to check out her Etsy store - and OMG, I MUST. HAVE. VERMONT FOLIAGE. COLORWAY... oh sneaky girl, are you listening???) hand dyed 100% Merino worsted in the awesome Island Jewels colorway and 2 skeins of Berroco Comfort worsted in an awesome green colorway (this stuff is sooooooo squishy and soft... what to make, what to make???)...



The rest of the swap requirements were for treats, things to help us get through our multitasking days at work, etc. I got the Harlot's "Things I Learned from Knitting...whether I wanted to or not" book, a super cute doggy bookmark, a funky spiral M&Ms notepad, some cool geometrical design magnets, Mary Engelbreit post it notes, a music theme set of wine glass charms (hmmm... am I supposed to use these at work??), Il Circo promotional DVD (so, she wasn't totally fibbing about Cirque swag), a packet of Soak wash, a jar of Port Wine Jelly from Bernardo Winery near her home, and the coolest tin of mints ever!


COOL? The tin has "Knitting Girl" on the front and the mints inside are sugar-free green apple. I need to find these at one of my LYS...

GeorgeAnne also sent a rope toy for my kids, which as you can see they pretty much claimed right away from the pile as I was photoing...


Zeus: "Hey, there's a toy here and no one's hogging it..."


Lola: "Yes Mommy, may I puhhhleeeeeezzzzzzzze have it???"


Thanks Sneaky Girl... uh, I mean Georgie! You are one super multitasking spoiler!!!!!!!


  1. wow wow wow! That's an awesome package. Those mints are the coolest. What a thoughtful spoiler you had.

  2. Great package! I sent my pal's package out yesterday - can't wait until she gets it!

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm SO glad you like it - you were SO much fun to shop for. Getting to know you better was the coolest experience! Can't wait to come out to Bean town and hang with you!!

  4. What an awesome package! Love it all, especially that yarn of hers... And if you can get away with drinking on the job, go for it! ;)

  5. How rockin is your swag!!! love all the pictures looks like everyone got spoiled and I love everything you received:)Hugs Darcy

  6. fabulomundo box of goodies!!!

  7. Super package!!! Glad you got spoiled!!

  8. great package and the pics of the puppy babies are wonderful. They are so funny aren't they?!

  9. Awesome package! She kept a good secret!
    Thanks for hosting an awesome swap! :) Still waiting in anticipation for mine ;)

  10. Wow, great package!
    Cute puppy pics too.

  11. Oh, your goodies are very nice. The tin is so cute.
    Very cute puppy pics.


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