
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

My 25 year old cousin Nikki sent this pic to me of Mom & I at her Mother's baby shower. Yes, cousin Nikki was the baby to be... yes, I feel old.....


Here we are years later... with our men this past July in Essex, Massachusetts.


Update... Mom & Dad came up to visit on Sunday since he was feeling better and up to getting out & about for a bit. He goes in for another PET scan November 12th... please keep sending those good healing vibes!

Happy Birthday Mom... Love You!


  1. Love that picture of you and your mom at the baby shower-- what a cutie! Happy birthday to your mom, and, as always, healing thoughts to your dad.

  2. Happy Birthday Mom! Love both photos, but do tell what you were thinking about in that first photo?!

  3. Happy Birthday Lapdog mommy! The pictures are pretty great!!

  4. LOL, you haven't changed a bit! I would have guessed that was you anywhere!

    Happy birthday to your Mom! :)

  5. You and your mom don't look a day older, either! Hope you enjoyed your b-day! I'll keep sending healing wishes for your dad, too.


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