
Friday, November 07, 2008

TGIF... its Fill-In Time!

1. My blueprint for success includes speaking up, sticking my foot in the door... and dedication.

2. A mini Snickers Rockin' NutRoad bar was the last candy I ate.

3. The best facial moisturizer I've ever used is Estee Lauder Day Wear Plus.

4. Dogs (or animals in general) and knitting can be good therapy.

5. I'd like to tell you about that I recently found out I'm going to be a Great Aunt in April... and man does that make me feel old.

6. Caring is my strongest characteristic - although sometimes I care too much and that gets me in trouble....

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Ghost Whisperer and knitting on some xmas gifts, tomorrow my plans include awaiting the news from Dad's PET scan and a friend's birthday party with Matt's band playing and Sunday, I want to do nothing, but am hoping to get some stitch markers made before heading out to the AC/DC concert!


  1. Must know more about a Snickers Rockin' Nut bar...

  2. Have a great time at the concert! You're lucky to go. Here AC/DC sold out in about a half hour.

  3. You're going to the AC/DC concert???
    We would love to have gone. They were only about 3 hours away from us.
    Have a great time!

  4. smile, sounds like a good weekend. Yup, recording ghost whisperer and had to smile at the ac/dc concert. we saw the sign the other day and you just made me think i should look for tkts for hubbys b-day later this month. (that was the first concert he saw and he turns 40 this week!)

  5. How was the concert??!


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