
Friday, January 02, 2009

Friday Fill-In

1. The world is a crazy place.

2. Lola, get out of the bathroom was the last thing I said.

3. I wonder when I'll ever have the time to do all the cleaning & purging I need to....

4. Happiness (I hope) at the end of all things.

5. There's something to be said for the unconditional love of dogs.

6. On vacation, someplace warm is where I want to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing, tomorrow my plans include a friend's going away party, which Matt's band is playing and Sunday, I want to hopefully get together with my parents for brunch!


  1. Have a good weekend!!

  2. Man, I'm with you on #3!!! Thank you for playing, Happy New Year and have fun this weekend :-)

  3. Yea !! I see the goal was reached.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I am with ya on #5!! :)
    Happy Friday.

  5. I LOVE #5! Dogs are the best ever! We are hoping to get doggie #2 in 2009!

  6. I could do #6 right now. :-) Have a great weekend!


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