
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Freezing Doggy Day

It is freezing here today... you know its cold (or raining!) when Mr. Lounger himself Zeus dashes outside long enough to do his business and then is crying to come back in!

In a bit of a rush this morning, so its a picture only post... enjoy your little Friday and stay warm!

Zeus the moose...

Zeus_2309b Zeus_2309

Lola, who's not sure if she should be pleased or annoyed that her Daddy's band recently took on the name Bad Lola...

Lola_2309_funny Lola_2309

Sophie... who likes loves making toy piles...

Sophie_Toys_13009 Sophie_Toys_13009b

Did you notice she's actually sitting on some?


Last, but certainly not least annoying, King Tut...

Tut_2309 Tut_13009


  1. Sophie looks like a character!

  2. Zeus and Wilbur have a lot in common. Love the toy piles. Keep warm and snuggle up. ;)

  3. I think Sophie needs more toys. I have a couple that collect up the toys and sit or lie on them to keep them away from the others. Silly dogs.

  4. Glad to see someone else's floor looks like mine.

  5. I'm rather sure that Diva Lola is just happy Daddy featured her name in his bad. Of course, EVERYONE knows she's not bad, so really, it's just creative license...

  6. How adorable!! I love how she lays on all the toys!!

  7. Ha! Sophie is so funny! If she could knit, you know she would be the same way with sock yarn!

  8. I think she should be paid royalties via doggy bones. ;-)

  9. Sophie guards her toys - how cute! They are all such characters, and smile so nicely for the camera, too.

  10. Love the pile of dog toys. Can we still click on the pics to see more??

  11. What great personalities they all have. If your butt was hanging out like theirs you would want in where it is warm too. ;)

  12. Look at all them toys!! Spoiled dogs!

  13. Toy piles - that's funny. ~ Robyn

  14. Does she maybe have guarding issues? Pretty funny that surrounds herself with toys.

    the rest are as beautiful as always. g

  15. It's cold here too, in the 20's!


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