
Monday, November 23, 2009

Always in My Heart

I start off Thanksgiving week with a heavy heart. Six years ago today I lost one of the most important people in my life... Nana, I miss you and love you always.

Still one of my most favorite pictures with her... Christmas Eve, 1999.


Shortly after she passed, I purchased these remembrance pendants for my Mom and myself.


Simple and sweet, it is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry... and I wear it often.


  1. And look! I got to see the photos!

    Hold onto your memories. You know she's forever in your heart.

  2. I love the memorial pendant. I too lost someone very special. Eleven years ago this week my grandpa died.

  3. Lovely picture of the two of you. You know she's always with you though, right? I firmly believe that love can never die.

  4. Sending nice thoughts your way. I especially miss my Grama in August every year. The holidays bring fond memories and that's what we have to hang on to. XXXOOO, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. This time of year is hard enough with out losing someone special. My Mother died in January and my Grandmother in December, so I can understand what you're feeling. Remember all the good times.


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