
Friday, March 05, 2010

Finally Friday

TGIF..... its been a long week and I can't wait to start my weekend! Last weekend was Emma's 1st birthday party and I've finally got pictures to share...

Emma_22710 Emma_22710b

Emma with her Mommy and Daddy...

JillEmma_cake_22710 MatthewEmma_22710

Can you guess who bought her the pull-along doggy???

Emma_22710_gifts5 NicEmma_22710

She had a blast playing with her "make-a-mess cake"

Emma_cake_22710b Emma_22710e

Doing her kissy-face (or is it fishy-face??)...

Great Auntie & Uncle with the Birthday Princess...

Okay, I won't bore you ... for those who might want to see more, you know where to find them on Facebook! :)

I'll leave you today with some Friday Fill-Ins...

1. Why are you making me want to slap you?

2. I want you to take some time and think about what you did.

3. I would like to open my own business and be my own boss ... then it will be on my terms.

4. I just have to keep hope alive and see what happens.

5. I could use a nap.

6. Just ignore your mistakes and then keep on knitting... that's what I've been telling my two friends who are currently learning how to knit (its only a first practice piece, right?).

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing at home, tomorrow my plans include dinner with old friends and Sunday, I want to celebrate Zeus' 9th birthday at home with the kids!


  1. Little babies are so much fun when they're between 1 and 3! Then they start to think they have opinions. We have a whole pack of pull along puppies in the attic; the ears flop around and they make little noises when she pulls them along. I know she'll love them.

    and, hey, I didn't know Zeus and Thor were the same age! Thor's 9th birthday is in May. Sadly, I've never met a mastiff as old as my Thor, and I worry about him every day. So, happy Birthday, Zeus, and have a great party!

  2. You're not boring me with pictures of that precious girl! Glad she had a great birthday!

  3. No one is bored! Glad she had a great party.

    Happy birthday smooches to Zeus!

  4. What big eyes she has!! It looks like the party was a big success.

  5. Awwww, great pictures!


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