
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Doggy Day

Happy Dogs on Thursday! I'm late getting my post up today, so this will be a quick one...

It's been a hot and steamy couple of days this week, but thankfully the temps are back in the 70's today. Zeus is happy as a clam that the nice weather has arrived and has been enjoying his time lounging in the potholes driveway...


Tut has taken up his big brother's interest in watching the birds...


While they do enjoy chasing the wildlife the fresh air, we can't always be outside. Especially on lazy weekend mornings, like this one...


Aren't they adorable? A 3-doggy pig-pile in the sun spot and Zeus happily gnawing on his Nylabone, just far enough away to not be used as a pillow by his siblings...



  1. LOVE the photo of the three sharing the sun spot while Zeus chews on his bone!!! What a sweet little family!

  2. Love the foursome photo too. Sweet kids.

  3. I didn't find you guys yesterday! We've had springy weather, too! Thor and his people sincerely hope we don't have another non-summer like last year!

  4. Cute! :) Can I come pretend to be one of your doggies? LOL


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