
Friday, June 25, 2010

Smile, it's Friday!

TGIF!  Smile... the weekend is about to start!


Yes, that's yet another shot from the NH Sheep & Wool Festival... I guess two posts this week weren't enough. 

Time for a little Friday Fill-Ins...

1. On vacation, I like to explore and see as much as possible.

2. I don't swim in the ocean, but I sure love to walk on the beach and dunk my feet in.

3. One of my favorite vacation spots is Charlotte, NC.

4. You can always tell when it's a full moon, the crazies will be out in full force!

5. Up, up and away with the ridiculousness.

6. Bananas - do not try to feed them to Zeus... the big guy actually cried the last time I put some in his food bowl.


7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner with family, tomorrow my plans include NHMS and Sunday, I want to see Smoke or Ryan win at NHMS!

And, just because... I'll share one more!  Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Gretchen volunteers to eat ALL of the big guy's nanners!

  2. I am 4 hours from Charlotte...Happy FF!

  3. I hope you enjoy your weekend too.

  4. Oh Zeus, your mommy is so mean. She made you cry over bananas? I'm sorry big guy. g

  5. Thor likes bananas because his people eat them! Surprisingly, our surviving guinea pig doesn't like them, although his now gone cage mate loved them. Happy weekending!

  6. I visited Charlotte once and remember it as being very pretty in autumn. If i was closer I might say the same. Hope all your weekend plans turn out as you hope.

  7. Ooh your dog Zeus cried.. so sweet.. and I laugh at your fill-in with that full moon huh.. that's right! Cool! ;-) Have a great weekend! Happy FFI too!

    Here's mine:
    My Friday Fill-Ins for 06/25/10

    See yah.. :)

  8. Drama Llama would gladly eat all the bananas for him. lol That's one of her favorite fruits.


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