
Monday, January 24, 2011

Frigid Monday

I have just one question this morning... who pissed off Mother Nature?

Started my day at -8 degrees...


Got to the post office and it was 6 below....


Climbed to a whopping -5 by the time I got to my office... Not sure we'll see a positive number today.  bbbrrrrrrr......


Mom, you'll be happy to know that I'm wearing the Brimmed Cap you made me for Christmas (sorry, no photo...)!


  1. I feel your pain. In Canada that equals -21C. Sounds even worse doesn't it? Don't want to go outside.

  2. Leroy did it! He pissed of Mother Nature!

    I am so sorry to hear about Dora.
    Such a sad outcome.

  3. I thought about you this morning when I was watching the news and the weather map came on. You New Englanders and East Coaters in general are sure having a rough winter. Give me snow anytime, I hate those cold temps.

  4. We started at -3 today, and were up to 6 by noon! Must be more of that global warming going on. GRRRR and BRRRR!

  5. HOLY CRAP!!! That's cold....

  6. It's supposed to be warmer here tomorrow... Good luck.

  7. I would cry. Big, fat, tears of pain. Brrrr.....

  8. I was going to say - if you want it to feel slightly warmer then set your car to metric! Always works for me. :) g


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