
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it a Dog Pound Cake?

Hey look, it's Doggy Thursday again!  Just in case you - gasp! - missed it, Zeus hit the double digits on Monday!

Bundt Cake & Mega Bone from Canine Cafe

Since the big guy only turns 10 once, I wanted to get a cake that was a little more special than the usual ones.  I tried to order from Three Dog Bakery (like we used to years ago), but sadly, they won't ship them anymore.  hmprfh.  After some searching, I remembered Canine Cafe, our favorite bakery in Charlotte, makes some beautiful doggy cakes.  Although they don't ship all of their creations, they do ship the Bundt “Please don’t call it a Dog Pound Cake” Cake and - bonus! - it comes with a personalized Mega Bone and a bag of donut hole treats. 

Since the cake itself wasn't personalized, photographer-Mama put the Mega Bone on top for photos...

mmm... is that CAKE I smell?

The cake smelled amazing and judging by how quickly the Lapdogs scarfed it down, it must've tasted just as good!

Zeus_10bdayCake_3711d Zeus_10bdayCake_3711e

Mother Nature brought some rain for Zeus' 10th...

Zeus_3711 Zeus_3711b

But no one seemed to care much... after all, the C-A-K-E was inside!

Tut_3711 Sophie_3711  Lola_3711b

Some more taste testing shots before the cake got cut...

Zeus_10bdayCake_3711g ZeusSophie_10bdayCake_3711b

Sophie sneaking up on the cake and a preview of Zeus' "birthday" toy (see it on the floor?), which is actually an upcoming review item... stay tuned!

Sophie_3711b Zeus_3711c


  1. Cute cake and name. Glad they all enjoyed the celebrations.

  2. Happy double digits!!! Love that cake, so cute!!!

  3. yum that cake looks I could probably eat it, I'll have to check them out!

  4. I hope Zeus had a fabulous birthday! With treats like that, it would be hard not to.

  5. That cake looks great... Happy Happy Birthday and double digits. Yay...

    pawhugs, Max

  6. Ummm that cake looks way to good!
    My birtday cakes don't even look that good!

  7. Nice! Thor had every confidence that you would come through with an awesome cake for Zeus' 10th.

  8. Your sure know how to throw a party!

  9. What a fabulous cake! Happy birthday!

  10. Happy birthday, gorgeous! My pack thinks the cake looks delish!

  11. Happy birthday to Zeus. That pound cake looks better than the one I made yesterday

  12. Zeus looks very interested in that cake. Hope the big guy had a great birthday!

  13. Oh that is just so precious! Happy Birthday big boy! I must get one of those cakes for Lily!

  14. lol Love the cake and dog bone. : )


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