
Friday, April 01, 2011

Ain't No Fooling Here

... it's friggin snowing!  Peter Cottontail was not amused....


Yup, this is what we woke up to this morning...

Snow_4111 Snow_4111b

If you can't tell, that's the heavy, wet snow... the kind that happens to knock the #*%&^@! power out just as you wake up to start your day (it was restored almost 3 hours later).

Snow_4111e Snow_4111d

Boys_33111The white crap started falling sometime last night while we were attending the premiere of the mob movie "Boys."  The movie was fun and it was interesting to be at the premiere (no, there was no red carpet... hmprf).  It was filmed nearby in Massachusetts using locals in the roles, most of whom were there last night.  "Boys" was originally slated to premiere about a year and a half ago and Matt's band had played the after party with Daryl (writer/director/star of the movie) singing.  Although we had a great time at the party, the movie ended up not being screened due to technical difficulties.  After going back to fix those issues and do more edits, "Boys" finally made it to the big screen!  The family owned production company will be taking it on the road (literally - they sold their home and bought an RV) this summer, so check out the website and help get "Boys" in a theater near you! 

Back to that white crap.... When we got home last night and let the dogs out, I swear Lola cocked her head with that "what the!?!?" look on her face.  I think the dogs are done with the snow too, although she did get a little zipping and investigating in this morning.
Lola_4111 Lola_4111b

Sophie and Zeus couldn't believe their eyes noses...

Sophie_4111 Zeus_4111

It looks like it has stopped falling for now and I'll leave you with some Friday Fill-Ins...

1. I can't believe it's *#$&(# snowing.

2. Drinks for everyone (especially if it's snowing where you are).

3. How can I reason with an unreasonable person.

4. Chicken was the last thing I cooked.

5. Six of one just isn't enough when you want the whole dozen.

6. A white Easter this year; nonono!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a night in, tomorrow my plans include getting my knit on and Sunday, I want to enjoy a snow-free day!


  1. I'm not laughing; one weather report has US with snow tonight.

  2. For once we got less than you. I am still not amused.

    I posted that bread dough recipe for you. This one's really easy, I promise! Try it tomorrow or Sunday; Matt will love it.

  3. that sure looks a lot more beautiful when I'm not in it.

    A white Easter would be pretty rare.

  4. um, yeah, you keep the snow over yonder. We don't want any here.

    Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  5. Sorry to hear about your snow! We got a few inches the other night ad now it is gone!-but I am still going to have a drink or two...for you of course!

  6. Oh, that's awful ... I think I'd cry if it snowed here, all the trees are budding and there are daffodils everywhere. I hope it warms up for you soon!~

  7. Thankfully it snowed only around an inch here... But it’s very slushy & heavy. Not very happy to look outside & see white again!! This winter has been a WINTER! Haha, time for Spring??
    But, yay! This weekend/next week is gonna be 50 & 60! Hope it warms up where you are :)
    *Great big, warm hugs!!*
    Jordan @ Rainbow Veins

  8. no snow here and actually saw the sun don't know how that happened! Happy weekend

  9. That sucks that you guys lost power. I was nervous that we would. At least it didn't take too long for it to come back on.

  10. Agree with your #3.. Have a great day!!

  11. EW! I say you need to invest in a flame thrower. Melt that mess. We haven't had snow, but it's been downright chilly lately. Supposed to warm up tomorrow, though.

  12. I'm so sorry about your latest snow fall. I know that we, here in The Mitten are sick and tired of winter as I know you must be. Today is gloomy and damp but at least the snow is gone and we can pretend that spring is actually long as we don't step outside, LOL. Give those pups some pets from me and a couple of sniffs from Max, Sam and Little Dog. Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

  13. It may have been a bummer for you, but it really is beautiful.


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