
Monday, April 25, 2011

REVIEW: Premier Pogo Plush Bunny

Premier Pogo Plush Bunny
Where to Find: Premier


PPBUNL_LRIt's the never ending dilemma that all dog parents go through... Your pooch loves stuffed toys, but you don't like the mess stuffing makes when Fido loves that stuffing right out of them.  Well, thanks to Premier, it's time to make both pup and human happy with Pogo Plush toys!

Unlike regular stuffed toys, the Pogo Plush has a patent-pending design that provides a unique bounce-back action thanks to a rubber cage inside - and no stuffing!  The inner bouncy frame and free-floating squeaker keeps dogs guessing through hours of fun.  The squeaker is constantly moving around inside the cage and therefore, never quite in the same spot.  

Zeus_Rabbit_Play_3711ePogoPlushRabbit_SophieTut_3711cThe Lapdogs received a large Pogo Plush Bunny for review and have given it the official 16 Paws Up Seal of Approval.

All four dogs have been playing with this toy for well over 6 weeks now and not only has the toy itself held up, but it has held their interest as well. They continue to go back to the bunny again and again, unlike other toys where they loose interest after a few days or weeks.  The free floating squeaker provides hours of fun and excitement as they "hunt" the bunny looking for it.  The bounce-back action of the inner cage is intriguing to them as they chomp down on the bunny and it springs right back.  No other toy in their basket acts like the Pogo Plush does ... and did I mention there's no stuffing to make a mess?

PogoPlushRabbit_SophieTut_3711b Zeus_Rabbit_Play_3711b

PogoPlushRabbit_Sophie_3711dThere are six styles of Pogo Plush toys available: Ball, Beaver, Bunny, Frizzle, Raccoon and Slap Happy.  Each style comes in two sizes, small and large. 
Pick up a Pogo Plush toy for your four-legged baby today... neither of you will be disappointed with the hours of fun it will bring!  You can find a Premier retailer near you by using their store locator or find an online retailer here.

Stay tuned for reviews of two more Premier products... the Easy Walk Harness and Kool Dogz Ice Treat Maker...


  1. The picture of Zeus is just adorable. Thor actually doesn't unstuff his toys, despite his massive size. He just removes the squeakers!

  2. Marjie,
    Our dogs usually do the same - they're after that squeaker... but with the magic of this great rubber frame, I think they're kept entertained enough that after 6 weeks, no one has tried to remove anything... :)

  3. LOVE that first photo.

    Having a terror - er, terrier - I do have a de-stuffer. Hmmm... Do they come in a wee size?

  4. We are definitely getting two of those! Thanks for the review!


  5. Yes...I just got through cleaning up duck stuffing. /sigh/ It was *everywhere*. lol


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