
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Ace Man

As most of you know, we've had quite a few high-energy, fluffy balls of fur through the Lapdog B&B recently.  While we've managed to keep up with the playing, baths and potty training, I haven't been as good about keeping up with the photo updates.  So here's the official recap of the tiniest little tot we've seen, Ace who was here in November...

Ace_111311c Ace_111211c

He was so tiny, most of the Lapdogs' toys were bigger than he was...

Ace_111211b Ace_111311

Lola was a good Mama... and jungle gym.

Ace_Lola_111311 Ace_Lola_111211

Tut wanted to know why the little guy slept so much... or maybe he was just nosey because Ace was in his nap spot!

Ace_Tut_111211 Ace_111211f

Seriously, have you seen anything cuter than this little guy lately?

Ace_111411d Ace_111311c

Zeus thought the little guy was quite interesting... the second shot is one of my most favorite...
Ace_Zeus_111511 Ace_Zeus_111211

Napping with the girls...


We all had so much fun with the little guy while he was here.

Nic_Ace_111211 Matt_AceSophieZeusLola_111211

Of course, it didn't take long at all before Ace got adopted!  The coolest thing is he ended up nearby with friends of ours and his new family includes another former foster baby, Simon...

Simon_111511b Simon_111511

and their big sister Bella...

Isabella_Ace_111511 Isabella_Ace_111511d

It was a pleasure to have Ace as part of our growing foster family... and to have placed another baby in his loving, forever home!  Little Kelly is still here looking for hers... are you interested?



  1. Those ears!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a doll.

  2. His ears are bigger than he is. What a cute little guy. Be sure and show us what he looks like when he grows up.

  3. Looks like Ace found a little girl who's just the right size for him! Lucky both of them!


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