
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

REVIEW: Nylabone Nutri Dent Complete

Nylabone Nutri Dent Complete

Grain Free Peanut Butter

Where to Find: Nylabone

ND_Complete_26Ct[1] Untitled

Like most human children, my furkids are not interested in having their teeth cleaned (never mind that the humans never seem to remember they should be brushing the Lapdogs teeth to begin with).  We rely heavily on bones and dental treats in our household and were very excited when we heard we would get to try Nylabone's new Nutri Dent Complete treats.

We're working on a #Nylabone #NutriDent #grainfree #peanutbutter reviewNutri Dent Complete is the first dental treat that has been clinically proven to clean teeth and freshen breath better than weekly brushing (did you hear that?  I'm not such a bad doggy Mom after all!).  The treat's unique 360-degree scrubbing nubs were designed to fight built-up plaque and tarter, the number one cause of bad doggy breath.

I was very pleased to learn these treats are Made in the USA, with natural ingredients - two very important factors in my treat selection for the Lapdogs.  Even better, the treats have been specially formulated for dogs with sensitive stomachs, making them easy to digest.

UntitledNutri Dent Complete treats are available in Regular, Grain Free and Puppy varieties, as well as a variety of sizes.  We received a box of Grain Free Peanut Butter in size Medium.  I was very excited to learn about the grain free option, as I'm sure many of you will be as well.  With so many diet allergies in dogs these days, we are seeing more and more grain free options available, however this is the first dental treat I've seen.  

The Lapdogs didn't even know they were cleaning their teeth when they chomped up the peanut butter treats (after Zeus nicely posed with one on his head, of course)!  In fact, they were begging for more.  Clearly, that means Nutri Dent Complete treats have received the Official 16 Paws Up Seal of Approval!  It's a win-win for all - the dogs love them, and the humans feel good about helping to keep their teeth clean and breath fresh!

Grab your pup some Nutri Dent Complete today!  Neither of you will be disappointed!  Besides, what's better than a loving pooch with clean teeth and fresh breath?

Disclosure: One box of Nutri Dent Complete treats was sent to Lapdog Creations, free of charge for review purposes. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions expressed are my own.


  1. Looks like they enjoyed them. We tend to do more of the natural chews like antlers, as Ive been a bit leery of a lot of chews. We have cod skins now that they love but they dont last long. We may have to try these

    urban hounds

  2. The Porties actually like having their teeth brushed, but these might be just the thing for Sebastian. He has some real doggy breath.

  3. Well that was a great review. I should have you do a review on our homemade treats.

  4. Woof! Woof! LOVE your balancing photo. I can't believe it is PB flavor too. Happy Tasty Tuesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. And sadly, still not Sissy-approved. Dang.


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