
Friday, August 01, 2014

Sophie Wants to Know: What's On Your Needles?

TGIF and happy Fiber Arts Friday!  While I have zero right to be casting on anything new right now, my startitis is flaring up again....

Getting ready to cast on a Christmas gift with my Sophie #knittingneedles and Gina #PlymouthYarn  Are these YOUR colors??? #knitstagram #dogstagram #needles #love

I'm about to cast on a Christmas gift with my Sophie needles and some lovely Plymouth Gina (I had actually planned to do so at the race track last night, but sometimes my best laid knitting plans go arise). 

How about you?  What's on - or about to go on - your needles?  Sophie wants needs to know...


  1. It's nice of Sophie to guard your needles and yarn until you can get to them!

  2. Sophie, you are a beautiful dog! I am currently knitting the Martina Behm Brickless, a MaggiKnitsUSA shawl and just cast on the Queen's Crown Mitts by Becky Greene (on Ravelry)

  3. Well Sophie, since you ask... this afternoon I'm stitching up a couple of bunnies that are all knit, then I'll cast on an afghan that is going to be a Christmas gift. Can't wait to get started.


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