
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Advantages and Disadvantages of an Electric Dog Fence + AMAZON CARD GIVEAWAY!

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One of our biggest priorities as dog owners is keeping our pets safe from harm. Our dogs rely on us to protect them from the dangerous they can’t see or don’t know about, such as cars in the roadway, animal predators, and illnesses. We also keep them healthy by encouraging exercise and feeding them a healthy diet. Exercise is essential for their physical and mental health, and dog owners with yards are fortunate enough to allow their dogs to move and explore until their heart’s content. That is, as long as that yard is safe and enclosed.
PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence Overview

An electric dog fence is one way to enclose your yard and keep your dog inside its boundaries, but why do people choose them instead of traditional fences? There are several advantages (and disadvantages) to wired dog fences that many people don’t consider. Here’s a look at some of the things you can think about when choosing a fence for your yard.


Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of an electric dog fence is how versatile it is compared to a traditional fence. Because most electric dog fences are wired underground, they can be used just about anywhere. Before a traditional fence is installed, the ground must be leveled out and cleared off. A wired fence, however, does not require the same preparation. It can be placed over all types of terrain. 

On large properties like ranches and farms, electric dog fences can also be better choices. It is much easier to enclose several acres at a time with wire as opposed to so many sections of fence. If you want to change your dog’s boundaries at any time, it’s easier to move the wire than it is to pick up and move an entire wood, PVC, or chain link fence.  

In addition, an underground dog fence is a great option when you don’t want to drastically change the look of your property. Traditional fences can block scenic views or make it more difficult to move from one area of your property to another. They can also detract from the landscaping and architecture of your home. Wired dog fences, on the other hand, do not impact or take away from the way your property is designed.  

Electric fences are usually more reliable than traditional fences, too. Traditional fences have gates that people can forget to close, giving your dog the opportunity to escape. Electric fences with backup power will always work to keep your dog inside the bounds.

If you have a dog that likes to dig, such as a terrier; a dog that’s traditionally bred as a hunting dog; or a particularly aggressive dog, traditional fences may not be enough to keep them inside. In these cases, an invisible fence is more reliable because your dog cannot dig under, jump over, or break through to the other side. Electric dog fences keep dogs completely away from the edge of your property line with no way to outsmart their e-collars.

Low Cost
Most traditional fences cost thousands of dollars to purchase and install. If you don’t have a high budget or simply want to save as much money as possible, an electric dog fence has the edge. You can save even more money by opting to install your own wired dog fence. You can put a DIY electric fence in your yard in just one weekend’s time. With a few hours and a little effort, you can have your yard enclosed and made safe for your dog with as little as $300 total. The cost difference is especially pronounced for large properties. Once you’ve purchased the electric fence system, additional wire to increase the boundaries is inexpensive. However, traditional fence sections do not get any cheaper as you purchase more.  

Low Maintenance
After you install a wired dog fence, you’re done. These fences require very little maintenance because they are not exposed to the elements. Traditional fences can be damaged by storms, falling trees, your dog’s scratching, other animals, and more. Underground dog fences won’t be affected by any of those outside forces, so they require comparatively less maintenance over their lifetime. If you installed your own electric fence, you’ll even know how to fix it yourself if necessary, saving even more money in the long run on maintenance costs.


The most important thing involved with installing an electronic dog fence is training your dog on it. Proper, thorough training is essential, and it takes about 15 minutes twice per day for two weeks before your dog is fully trained with the fence and e-collar. If you don’t want to invest the time in training your dog to understand the system, then an electric dog fence isn’t for you. Dogs don’t need to be taught on traditional fences. It’s also very important that you take care to follow the electric fence training directions to the letter, so dedication and commitment are required.

Another disadvantage of an electric dog fence is that it only works one-way to enclose your yard. If you’re worried about other people or animals coming into your yard, then you might need a traditional fence to ensure they’re kept out. An electric dog fence is excellent for keeping your dog inside, but it only works for them because they’re wearing the e-collar. If you don’t live in an area where animal or human trespassers are a concern, then an electric dog fence is fine.

Finally, there’s an unfortunate stigma attached to electric dog fences. If you get one, you may have to deal with people’s perceptions that it’s a cruel or inhumane tool. Most of the time, a little explanation can help people understand what wired dog fences really are. E-collars emit a mild static shock to correct your dog, and it’s not painful, just annoying. They’re also not repeatedly shocked, because once they’ve learned their boundaries, they remain within them.

Before you choose a containment system for your yard, carefully consider all the advantages and disadvantages to electric dog fences and traditional fences alike. No matter what, the most important thing will always be that your dog is kept safe and sound inside your yard.

This sponsored post has been published in partnership with We encourage you to share your experiences with a variety of dog containment systems in the comments section. Commenters* and those who share the post via social media** qualify for a drawing of a $50 Amazon gift card!*

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  1. My brother had an electric fence for his dog and it worked great, he was able to run free without the need of worry.

  2. I have always wondered if it works for Rottweilers.


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  6. Well... it kinda' worked with Mugsy and Fred, but sweet, gentle Sissy has too much hunting in her genes to be detained, so we don't use it anymore. And of course, that "doesn't keep intruders out" is another problem, given the coyote and loose dog problems we have from time to time.

    Still... it worked well enough with the boy dogs for over a decade. Like retractable leashes, it's a choice that has to be made one pet, one owner, at a time.

  7. I think one needs to really know their dog before considering a fence. Most Portie owners that I know agree that this breed will take the shock to get to what they want. I know it wouldn't stop my hounds or Tsar.

    I guess my biggest concern is another dog or worse coming into my yard and intimidating or hurting my dogs.

    I'm of the opinion that good (solid) fences make good neighbors.

  8. I had a friend that installed electric fences for a while and he swears by them. I agree the training is very important.

  9. I've never used an electric fence we have a regular chain link fence that works well with our two small dogs. I'm not opposed to an electric fence but I don't know how well it would work for us because we use our fence to keep other critters out our yard as well.

  10. We had one for a while, butts I'm just too interested in critters that I ignored the thing! ☺
    Like anything, I think it's just 'works for some, not for others'.
    Ruby ♥

  11. Matt C.6:43 PM

    I never tried the electric fence, but it sure would be great in our yard.

  12. We live in a rural area where lots of stray and loose dogs wander around, so I would be scared of other dogs being able to walk right into our yard. I'd also be scared of pet thieves walking right up to your prized dog and snatching him, without the hurdle of a real fence.

    Then there's the prey drive ~ depending on how strong it is in a particular dog, they may accept the short feeling of discomfort and chase after whatever got their attention.

    The electric fence may be a good option for exterior pet containment in neighborhoods having fence restrictions in place, such as lake communities!

  13. I can see an electric fence working well in a rural community and there were plenty in the area that I grew up in. Now I live in an urban area and so an electric fence definitely wouldn't work for our tiny yard. We have a chain link Id prefer privacy but its practical because we park our car and need to have a swing gate. I also have signs posted about the dogs which I think is important. I think a range of options is a must and dog owners need to weight them and pick the best option for them.
    Retro Rover

  14. liked on face book

    retro rover

  15. I have a Coon hound/ mix, live on a very busy & deadly road, my dog has done AMAZING with a training/ field collar! The best part is its portable & within a few minutes, she knows her boundaries.

  16. anyone who has a dog should one of these

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I would purchase an electric dog fence.

  18. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Thank you for the informative list of pros and cons. I have never given much thought to an electronic fence, but it might be a good idea for my front yard. My Bailey is 11 and has started wandering a bit when out front with us. -Katie

  19. Great list of pros and cons! We have a fence around our house so no need for an electric one but many of our neighbors have them and they seem to work well.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    You really need to be careful with electric dog fences. Sometimes if dogs does run through them they will be to scared to run through it again to go home.

  21. Great info, thanks for sharing.


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