
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Black & White Sunday: Cherish Every Moment

Happy Sunday-fun-day!  We hope everyone gets in a little fun or R 'n R today - or both, whatever you prefer.  Just remember to make the most of every single moment...


Even if it's raining (hey, at least it isn't snowing, right?)!  Here's a little flash-back video to last July 4th... Lola's 12th birthday.  Three of my four kids obviously didn't let a little rain keep them inside (watch for the smart one at the end, dry and happy inside... ha ha).  Don't let anything rain on your parade...


  1. We went for a walk in the woods than turned into a run back to the car when the rain arrived early. I still prefer a rainy Sunday with my pack than a dry weekday at work!

  2. Great advice and understood. Love Dolly

  3. YEs, indeed. In Church, we were reminded expect the unexpected sunshine (which comes in many forms), Hope you guys had a great Sunday. Okay hope you get your treats tomorrow. Golden Woofs

  4. It was raining but look at all the green stuff growing. It feels like fall here today with strong breezes and petals and seeds dropping from the sky. Mom is sneezing a lot.

  5. I don't even care that it's raining today, with more predicted for much of the week. We had sunshine this weekend. I hope you all got to enjoy good weather, too!

  6. good advice as always hugs

    retro rover


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