
Thursday, February 02, 2017

Live Love Woof #DesktopCalendar #February

February has arrived, and love is in the air. To celebrate, we've created this free desktop calendar to share with you. Enjoy!
free february desktop calendar rescue dog
Did you notice that February 20th is Love Your Pet Day?


  1. Such a wonderful calendar! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. What a beautiful desk top calendar, love it :)

  3. What a pretty picture! I'm betting that wasn't taken today.

  4. Very cool calendar. People can use this on their desktop while using mine on their wall.

  5. It's SO clever that you created a desktop calendar with your guys -- so sweet for folks. I tweeted so people can download that and use it. I refer to my desktop calendar throughout the day so it has great staying power which I love. Very cool.

  6. No I didn't notice that 2/20 is Love Your Pet Day - probably because I LOVE my pets SO much every day of the year! This is a lovely desktop calendar page, perfect for February.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  7. I love that photo of Sophie. What a beautiful calendar. February is one of my favorite months.


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