
Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Snow Nose, Don't Care #WordlessWednesday

We are expecting another 8-12" of snow tomorrow. The girls can't wait to dip their noses in it... Tut, not so much. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

3 rescue dogs playing in the snow


  1. :) Have fun everyone. We just made snow ice cream here.

    1C snow
    1/2 C Vanilla yogurt
    1/4 C peanut butter or pumpkin.

    Stir the peanut butter and yogurt together until smooth, and then go out to get your snow. Stir it all together and serve. Max ate two bowls.

  2. Send some of that snow our way. We don't have any.

  3. We got less than a foot. No traffic, the world is quiet; it's nice. It'll probably melt, because that's how this winter has gone.

  4. That looks like a lot of snow to this Oregon girl. It's 50-somehting here today, and I'm planning to spend some time this weekend on spring pruning!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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