
Friday, October 19, 2012

Wanted: Albino Raccoon

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!  Please excuse this little late day drive by, but it's been a busy week around the Lapdog household.

Fiber Folks... be sure to hop back to yesterday's review of della Q knitting bags and enter to win an awesome Cleo Yarn Caddy!  Seriously ladies, you will love this bag!  She's amazing and will be your new best friend, especially if you're not a monogamous knitter, like me!

Yesterday the humans ventured North to the Maine Wildlife Park and had an amazing time strolling amongst the animals!  If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen these shots, but I promise I'll download our real camera pics and do a post next week.  In the mean time...

#raccoon #cute #picoftheday #wildlife #maine #petstagram #adorable #love
I fell in love with this albino raccoon

#maine #wildlife #park #tree #sun #fall
I snapped this while walking through the trails

Annie the #moose #maine #wildlife #park #petstagram #pretty #love #fall
This is Annie the Moose... a true diva!

I spy a #chipmunk on an #otter #maine #wildlife #park #fall #cute #love #friends #petstagram
I spyed a chipmunk chillin' on an otter!

#fall #landscape #tree #leaves #maine #wildlife #park #picoftheday
Another beautiful scenic shot

I so wanted to steal that albino raccoon and bring him (or her?) home!  It was super playful and was interacting with us the whole time.  Acorns had been raining down in and around it's enclosure and apparently, it had already eaten all the ones it found inside.  He/she kept asking us to toss some from outside the fence closer to it's reach... we'd toss a couple and it would scrunch it's little face right up into the fence and reach out it's long arms to snatch them up.  Once the prize was picked up, it would take the acorn to a rock, sit down and open it up to get the nut inside.... then come back and beg us to toss some more closer.  The shot above was during a particularly cute begging moment when it stood up on it's hind legs to look extra cute.  The place is amazing and I look forward to going back again... and again! 


  1. Woof! Woof! Beautiful place n photos. Oh how CUTE is that Raccoon. Happy Friday n Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Love your sideways shot of the light through the trees.

  3. That is a very odd looking raccoon. I saw the bag you had for the give-away. Beautiful!

  4. What a great place. Glad you had a lovely time. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Aww, how cute to watch it eating acorns. The birds and squirrels around here have been dropping acorns in our gutters and we have to climb up and pull them out. We could use that cute little raccoon to help out.

  6. Looks like a very interesting place t o visit. Stella likes to pick up acorns, crunch them open but she doesn't like the nut, so it turns out to be a big crunching & spitting operation. I'll be glad to see them snow covered.

    Jo and Stella


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