
Monday, January 25, 2016

Foster Updates = Happy Smiles #RescuedDogs #AdoptDontShop

Happy Monday! 

While the Lapdogs recover from the Patriots loss yesterday, and uh-hum, Mama gets to work typing up some reviews, we thought today would be a great day to share a few photo updates from our extended foster families.

Besides, there's nothing quite like the smile I get when I see our foster babies living the good life in their forever homes.  #ThisIsRescue

***Housekeeping Note: Be sure to click the "click here to continue reading this post" on our posts from now on in order to view the entire post***

First up, is an adorable little man who spent time at the Lapdog house in 2012... Booth!

#RescuedDogs #AdoptDontShop #FosterDogs #ThisIsRescue #DogRescue - Lapdog Creations

Boo-man and his sister were watching the Pats game yesterday too...


Next up are Simon and Ace, two itty-bitty boys who spent a very short time at the Lapdog household before friends of ours scooped them up.  Simon was with us in 2007... 


Ace stopped by for an even shorter time in 2011 before the same friends scooped him up...


These stunning shots of Cotton are obviously not from this weekend, but isn't she gorgeous?  This beach bum was with us back in 2007.



Last, but never, ever least is the man who really got us going with fostering... the little boy with the crazy leg who stole my heart, Dustee.


Dustee also stole Lola's heart way back then (she cried when he left!), and I'm pretty sure she's the one who taught him this...


I hope my former foster babies have helped to put a little smile on your Monday face!


  1. Isn't it great to see your pups living the good life? I love getting notes and pics from Gracie even though we see her several times a year.

  2. While it's wonderful that you have had such nice foster pups, I think it's really terrific that their new forever moms and dads keep in touch with you. It is heartwarming to see them all so happy. I remember Booth when he was a little guy; he's a fine looking boy now.

  3. So heartwarming that they all have loving homes now. How great that you get to enjoy photo updates of them! ~RascalandRocco

  4. I love these stories, such happy endings! I foster as well, it's so great that you know where these little angels ended up and how they're doing.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  5. I've always wanted to foster and never thought I could. I think this post, showing how you can stay in contact with some of them, is one of the 1st times I've thought.... "I really might be able to do that". Thank you!!


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