
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Smile, You Smile, We All Smile for Coconut Smiles #Chewy #DrHarvey

Disclosure: Chewy sent a bag of Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles to Lapdog Creations, free of charge, for review purposes. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions expressed are my own.

It's no secret that the Lapdogs wait - ready to commence uber drooling - for the nice man in the little white van to drop off their box each month.  He must think they are extra special and pretty spoiled... and he's not wrong.

This month we received the delicious treats we're about to share with you, as well as a fun brain-game that we'll be telling you about in a few days, so be sure to stay tuned for that.

Today it's all about the smiles...

Sophie and Penny are all smiles for Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles - Lapdog Creations #dogtreats #organic #Chewy #DrHarvey #coconutfordogs

Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles to be exact.

Teutul loves Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles - Lapdog Creations #dogtreats #organic #Chewy #DrHarvey #coconutfordogs #seniordogDr. Harvey's is a new-to-us brand and the Coconut Smiles instantly grabbed my attention. I was wondering why they called them Coconut SMILES... and then our box from Chewy arrived and my question was answered immediately.
Not only is the little bag full of "smiles" - strips of organic dehydrated coconut that curl just right - but they smell absolutely amazing! As soon as I opened the bag, it was as if someone plopped a tropical adult beverage in my hand and whisked me away to a white sand beach... in a cabana with air conditioning of course, because this doggy Mama isn't a big fan of heat and humidity.

And then I realized I was being drooled on... 

Back to reality... clearly, I wasn't the only one smiling.  All three of the Lapdogs were smiling, drooling, and flapping their paws (to give high-fives) all over the place!  

Coconut is regarded as a "superfood" because
of its countless health benefits

Penny loves Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles - Lapdog Creations #dogtreats #organic #Chewy #DrHarvey #coconutfordogs #dobermanpuppyCoconut Smiles are made from one single ingredient - organic dehydrated coconut - without any preservatives or additives.    

Pretty awesome, huh?  

These healthy little dog treats are rich in fiber to help support digestion and packed full of powerful nutrients. 

Also pretty awesome, right?  Especially since the Lapdogs have been willing to do just about any trick in the book to get one! 

Well... except for Sophie.  Her trick is pretty much drooling and whacking you with her paw.  But I'll take what I can get.

Teutul thinks Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles are delish! - Lapdog Creations #dogtreats #organic #Chewy #DrHarvey #coconutfordogs #seniordog #houndmix
As if that weren't all enough to make you click right on over to to order Coconut Smiles, I have to tell you that Dr. Harvey's uses only the highest quality coconut in their treats, sourced from farmers, cultivated sustainably and in accordance with fair trade practices. 

Are you smiling? 

  • A healthy, one-ingredient, organic treat
  • Supports digestive and intestinal health
  • Nothing artificial, no preservatives
  • Natural source of dietary fiber
  • Available at!
Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles - Lapdog Creations #dogtreats #organic #Chewy #DrHarvey #coconutfordogs
Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles are truly a treat that I can feel good - and smile - about giving to my dogs.  If you're looking for a yummy, safe and natural alternative to over processed pet treats, look no further than Dr. Harvey's Coconut Smiles!  You can scoop some up at, along with some other fabulous treat options from Dr. Harvey's

Remember, 1-2 day shipping on orders of $49+ is always free at

So come on, give both your dog and yourself a reason to smile today... get some Coconut Smiles into your life!

1 comment:

  1. We tried the sweet potato chews this month and they were an overwhelming hit. The girls ran into their crates and sat there hoping for seconds.


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