No way... 2 weeks since my last entry? That can't be! Where has the time gone??? Yesterday morning I got stuck behind a school bus on the way to work ... a school bus!!!??? Where did the summer go??? Don't get me wrong... I really can't complain considering that fall
is my favorite time of year (and no, its not just because my birthday is in October!). It gets cooler and we can start wearing all of our wonderful scarves and handknit creations, the leaves turn beautiful colors, pumpkins, apples, hot apple cider, festivals and fairs galore and oh yea, FOOTBALL! Thanks to an associate with amazing season tickets (21 rows off the field - home side!), I got to see my beloved
Patriots pumble the Red Skins (sorry
Coach Gibbs and Mark Brunell!) 42 - zip! Check out the view...
This one aint' so bad either...
This one's even better... Tom Brady and Mike Vrabel in the same pic... damn I'm good (well, not that good... more than half my pics came out blurry, including the better of this view... argh!)
And since I never show my face, here's a rare treat ... (okay, you can stop laughing now) ... but anyway, here I am trying to be cute...

So... you probably wanna hear about some knitting now, huh? I've been working on a few projects... One of which being enhancing the stash, but we won't talk about that right now ... never know when Matt is reading... hee hee and btw, as you can clearly see he has another expensive hobby! I think you will all agree that clearly no matter how big my stash gets, it'll never equal the amount of money he spends on racing and a band, right???
My first sock is nearing completion... and I'm really loving knitting it. Now I can truly understand why so many of my knitting friends are hooked on socks!
Pictured next to the sock is a gorgeous skein of beautifully colored sock yarn that I just got off eBay (unfortunately its not superwash, so I'll be handwashing those babies... but I couldn't resist the goregous colorway). The colors didn't quite show as well in the photo (I was in a hurry taking these - can you tell?), but its gorgeous deep tones of purple, grey and black... gorgeous! I've been toying with the idea of starting a second pair of socks, but I'm worried I'll end up with "second sock syndrom." I will also not mention how many
other projects are currently on the needles, nor how many are lined up and waiting to be cast on!
The Chester knitting group is working on some donation items for The Upper Room, including hats, mittens and blankets for the coming winter. Joanne also had these adorable little teddy bears for us to dress up as well. I made a little shawl on the fly (no pattern... no knowledge... lol). What do you think? I'm still not sold on it 100%, but its kinda cute. Matt seemed to think it should've been a "hoochie mama" bear with a tube top instead of a shawl, but that's for another time...

Next to the bear is a gorgeous skein of 100% lace weight Australian Cashmere from Oze Yarn - you simply can NOT tell how gorgeous it is from this crap photo. Its a beautiful deep eggplant color. I got it as a kit to knit this beautiful lace scarf. For anyone interested in Oze's yarns btw, be sure to visit their website and request your free sample card -- I got mine in about a week and a half! They were also relatively fast on the shipping my scarf kit as well.
Those are the only photos I have for today ... sorry. Hopefully the butts Pats pics above do better justice than the knitting pics!
Zeus is healing quite nicely and probably a lot more active than he should be. He's been rather playful lately, baiting both Lola and Tut in to wrestling. Of course when we have to yell at them to stop jumping on their big brother, they definitely do not understand why they are in trouble!
On a very sad furry friend note, my deepest sympathies to Gina who lost her beloved Miss Tubbsie last night.... may she rest in peace with all the leafy green carrot tops a bunny could ever dream of.
Looks like its going to be a wet and dreary holiday weekend ... we were supposed to play up in Sunapee tomorrow, but that's no fun in the rain (hhmm... shopping maybe?) and of course Matt is supposed to race on Sunday (while I watch and knit of course), not sure about that either... was considering the Hopkinton Fair for Monday, but looks like rain again.... oh well, stay dry and KNIT ON......