We've found out first hand just how much ice storms bite the big one! Without electricity for 55+ hours (Monday afternoon until nearly 11pm on Wednesday night), we truly lived in our own little 3rd world country setting. You see, everything in our house is electric ... everything ... heat, water (well pump), toilet (septic pump), stove...
Did I mention no heat? It was frigging cold!
Did I mention no water or flushing toilet??!! Do you know what its like to not be able to turn on the sink for more than 2 days? To not flush unless you absolutely have to (and then to have to go get a big jug of water to pour in the tank)? Yea, it really, really sucked! And to know that not even 1/2 mile down the road they have power? And some fellow knitters in my very own town never even lost their power (Miss Heather, who did invite us over on Wednesday morning to warm -and clean- up, though we had already arranged to go shower somewhere else!). We just might have to move to that side of town someday...
We did go out and buy a new generator on Tuesday afternoon, which then powered a light, the tv and 2 small electric heaters in the living room... at least some "civilization," despite the fact I was huddled on the couch wrapped in many, many layers! Tuesday night and Wednesday evening (until the power came back on and we all did the happy dance) were especially chilly. Speaking of the happy dance... if only I had videotaped Zeus doing his when the power came back! He was wagging his tail a mile a minute and all jumpy and wiggly... don't tell me dogs don't know what's going on! :)
The dogs were pretty good throughout the whole ordeal... Tut seemed to be the only one shivering at times, but we just cuddled up under lots of blankets when needed. He and Lola both had some things to wear. Tut's football sweatshirt looked more like a muscle shirt since the little porker gained some weight (he had his annual vet visit last week and is up to 66 pounds!) and Lola had her Sherpa jacket. Doesn't she look like "Count Lola?"

My little models...

Isn't this the cutest thing you've seen in a long time??

Unfortunately, Zeus has far outgrown anything we may have had for him (though after this, we just might go poke
thru the horse section at Pet Smart to see what they have!). He seemed pretty unfazed by the cold though... In fact, on Wednesday the sun was shining and he thought it was a good idea to go lay out in the driveway in his "sunny spot" even though his belly might have froze to the driveway! He also took some time to practice a trick or two...

I think he (and we!) were much more happy to see some snow flurries this morning, instead of ice. It almost feels like a heat wave compared to the past 2 days!! Here's the "Snow Mommy! Snow! Throw me a snowball!!! Snow!" look...

Sadly, our littlest guy didn't make it through the outage. We lost Smoke4 (Beta Fish) sometime on Tuesday.... :( Hopefully he's swimming in some warm, tropically sparkling water somewhere... rip little one...

I was going to share some more
icey photos, but I think that's been
done by my fellow New Hampshire
bloggers already so I won't bore you with more... but I do have a few from this morning when it was
flurrying. They also show some of the tree limbs we lost...
Of course it had to be the lovely maples that always break... the darn crab apple trees stand stronger than steel through it all!

I managed to get a bit of knitting done this week, but of course forgot to photo my progress. I have a good start on a helmet liner for Heather's Call To Arms, as well as a capelet/poncho I'm doing with the Wisdom wool from my last post.
I'll leave you with some words of wisdom... Stay warm... and never, ever, ever, ever take running water and the ability to flush your toilet for granted! Oh yea, and no matter how many times you keep dialing the number to your electric company, it won't make them fix the problem any faster... trust me... I know...