Thursday, June 30, 2011

Puppy Dog Tails

No snips and snails here, but there sure are plenty of puppy dog tails! 

Happy Dogs on Thursday / Thankful Thursday!  If you haven't heard, you must live under a rock we're fostering two adorable pups this week, so I guess I might as well keep the "double trouble" theme going...

I'm thankful for having a double dose of puppy breath and itty-bitty puppy paws in the house this week... and for an amazing pack who welcomed their foster sisters in with a few grunts and stares open paws and the biggest pile of toys any pup could ask for!

SookieRosie_62511h SookieRosie_62511f 

Rosie & Sookie are in a toy heaven and some of them are bigger than they are (and no, that doesn't stop either one from carrying them around)!

Sookie_62511b Rosie_62511f 

I believe I promised to post video, so here are two short clips of Rosie and Sookie playing in the exercise pen we bought just after picking them up on Saturday.  I suppose acquiring an x-pen means we're ready and able to foster more tiny tots, right? 

Tiny Tyke Wrestlemania...

Curious Pups...

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday... any special plans for the long weekend?  I have officially begun my five day weekend and couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beauty Rest

Happy Wordless Wednesday (and my Friday this week)!  Today's theme is girls and their beauty rest...





GIVEAWAY WINNERS! NEeMA - Watching You Think

Thank you to everyone who entered to win a copy of NEeMA's "Watching You Think" CD!

The winners have been selected by random number generator...

Congratulations to Chan and Sugar!  Enjoy your new tunes ladies (and pups)!  Please remember when entering contests you make sure you say who you are because #4 was originally picked, however the comment was anonymous.  

Thank you again to everyone who entered...stay tuned for more reviews and giveaways coming soon!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Double Trouble, Take Two!

Did you catch my drive-by post about our foster girls, Rosie and Sookie yesterday?  Yes, that's right.... we finally had a weekend off from racing and time to get stuff done around the house and what did we do?  We decided to foster not one, but two tiny tykes...

They are so full of energy... and puppy breath!  Love that puppy breath!  That's Rosie (short-haired, beagle/chihuahua mix) on the left and Sookie (long-haired, cavalier king charles spaniel mix) on the right.

Rosie_62511 Sookie_62611c

Of course, all that go-go-go eventually means crash.

Sookie_62511c Sookie_62611e

Rosie_62511j Rosie_62511g

Lola has been portraying the Mama role very nicely.  When she thinks their wrestling is getting out of hand or they're making too much noise, she runs quickly to break it up and tell them to calm down. 


MamaLola_RosieSookie_62511g Lola_Rosie_62511f

While they both adore their foster Mama, Rosie seems especially taken with Lola.  Perhaps she looks like a giant version of her real Mama?

Lola_Rosie_62511b MamaLola_Rosie_62511d

Lola_Rosie_62611b Lola_Rosie_62511h

Zeus thinks that all is good when the pups are calm... he can get his nap in too.

Zeus_SookieRosie_62511e Zeus_SookieRosie_62511h

Teutul puts up with them, so long as they remember that he is the baby...

Tut_Rosie_62611d Tut_Rosie_62611e

Sophie wants to know why we laugh and think our little girl looks like a giant around the pups...
Sophie_Rosie_62511e Sophie_RosieSookie_62611b

Sophie_Sookie_62611b Sophie_Rosie_62611

Hope you didn't mind the picture-heavy overload of cuteness.  I actually had over 150 photos from two days (digital photography rocks) and narrowed it down to around 135.  Yes, that means there's plenty more cuteness where these came from... there might even be video too.  Stay tuned!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Double Trouble

Please excuse the lack of a real post today, but the Lapdog household is currently experiencing a double-trouble dose of puppy breath...

Rosie_62611b Rosie_62611

Sookie_62611 SookieRosie_62611

If you're interested in adopting either of these precious little girls, please check out their Petfinder pages: Rosie and Sookie.  Of course these are only a fraction of the photos I've taken thusfar, so you will see more of the girls this week... stay tuned!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cranking the Wheel

Happy Friday!  It's been raining here since Wednesday and it looks like it'll rain at least through tomorrow, but at least it's Friday, right? 

Racing was rained out last night, but we've had a busy week as far as coverage goes.  Matt had two post-race interviews on Sunday after the race at NHMS and the results are in!  He made the front page of the Sports section of the Union Leader on Monday.  You might note that they mis-captioned the photo, as that is Matt posing with his car (not a motorcycle racer) and the "his girlfriend crew chief" tag I got.  The second interview was for a driver video profile on the NHMS website, which you can check out here.  It was his first on camera interview and he was caught a little off guard, but all in all I think it is a great feature!  And yes, he really did say - on camera mind you - that every time he thinks he doesn't want to race anymore, I convince him that he has to race MORE!!  I think he blew my cover a little bit with that one... oops.

I'll leave you with some more racing photos today.  These shots are from our first two trips to Unity Raceway in Maine. 

May 28th race...

Pits_52811f DriversMtg_52811

LinedUp_52811b PreRace_52811c

These three shots of us are courtesy of Chris Roy

DSC_6592[1] DSC_6613[1]


We were back at Unity on June 4th and it was our first truly sunny race day of the season, albeit a tad bit dusty in the pit area...


Unity_Pits_6411e 8_Unity_6411c

Unity_Pits_6411c Feature_Unity_6411d

Unity_6411d 81_Unity_6411c

2_Unity_6411b 33_Unity_6411

Heat_Unity_6411c Unity_6411f

So, are you bored with racing photos yet?  I hope not... but I do promise some knitting as soon as I find the mojo time!  We have quite a few reviews coming up too - both dog and knitting related.  This is the first weekend we haven't had a race or something to attend in a long time and what do we do?  Sign up to take in not one, but two foster pups!  Details (and of course photos) to come... Enjoy your weekend!
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