The issue has come up in the past couple weeks on the news, but seems to be back in the headlines today. Anyone who knows me well knows I was outraged with the dreadful Chinese government and their call for the public and inhumane mass slaughter of dogs in their country. Please take a moment to check this out and please click the link at the bottom to urge you federal reps to sponsor this bill.
I thought you might be interested in this HSUS campaign to protect dogs from being killed for their fur in China and sold here in the United States.
An investigation has found dog fur and raccoon dog fur being sold by some of the biggest names in fashion, and the HSUS is supporting a bill to help stop it. Please ask your federal Representative to co-sponsor this bill, the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007. It only takes a minute to do this.
Here is the link:
And here is an article from Yahoo News today if you want to read more on this:
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