Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weaving the Ends #DogMomsWhoKnit #WordlessWednesday

Knitters, we've all had one of those days when you're thinking about finally wearing that certain handknit you actually made for yourself (for me, the Honey Cowl), only to remember you never wove in the ends. And then, you discover that pile...

2 rescue dogs knitting

I spent some time last Friday tackling part of my pile, much to the dismay of my girls who just wanted treats and cuddles.

hand knit scarf cowl shawl knitting


Brando and Bogart said...

I hate when I forget to weave in the ends!!!! Of course I always forget it because I hate doing it! It's my least favorite part of a knitting project!

Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday!! #BlogPawsFellow

Marjie said...

I'm betting they were a big help in finishing your ends. Happy Wednesday, Nic!

Beth said...

I bet they didn't have to wait too long, but they probably felt it was an eternity. I love all the different color combinations you have in that pile.

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