I can certainly speak from experience in that Love is definitely Rescuing a Dog! Being their temporary foster, their saving grace or their new forever family.... I was reminded of that love with some updates from not one, but two of our fosters this past week! Trixie's family sent several new photos of the 'ole girl, but they arrived by snail mail which means I have to scan in a couple to post. In the meantime, here is the little star of our foster family, Dustee!
Not that I don't love all of our fosters, but Dustee will forever remain extra special in our hearts. It is so uplifting to get updates from his Mom! I hear he and sister Kaia are still getting in to little tiffs, but as you can see, they always work it out! I love their bandanas.
Reminder: Lola wanted to ask everyone to see yesterday's post and please, please vote for her, Teutul & Zeus & Sophie in the HSUS Spay Day photo contest.
They're itching to win a prize! If you tried to vote earlier and were given some trouble by the website, please note that their script issues appears to have been fixed! You can vote once for each dog... but if you have more than one email address, you can log out of the site and go back in and vote again using as many other emails as you can come up with! wink, wink
While you're web surfing, be sure to hop on over to the DOT site and check out Chan's beloved Mugsy in the spotlight! After that, take a hint from my baby girl in this wicked winter weather spell and take a nap if you can! Enjoy your Valentine's Day!
Love, love those photos, especially the last two. Sigh...
I am so glad your foster babies got such good forever homes!
I love the sweet picture of Sophie curled up on the couch all cozy waiting out this nasty winter weather! Elise is doing the same today!
We voted for the furkids on the spay neuter site and since we could only vote for one today we sent email to our friends telling them to go vote for your furbabies too!
I hope you guys win!
Sophie looks so sweet with her nose all scrunched up in that last photo! Hmmm, I have my Secret Pal swap email address...and a work email address...nudge, nudge!
Love the Sophie nappie pics although all your pics are great! Its always nice to know doggie you foster go to good homes. Great feeling!
I always enjoy seeing your "babies". I'm going to go and vote now.
I voted!
Max & Lailah say thank you for the Valentine to your four wonderful doggies! Such a cute card!
It's wonderful to be able to offer a foster home to a deserving animal. Too bad our boys wouldn't take very well to sharing their home. The sleepytime photos are precious.
awesome....people who foster and do rescue work are the BEST people in the world!!
I have 4 different email addresses and will use them well! love the update on Dustee. It's fun how much he and his sister look related.
I'm running late with catching up on my blog reading but Sophie is just too cute curled up like that.
Good luck guys on your contest!! Hope you win win win!!
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