Thursday, August 14, 2008

My, How Fast They Grow

I think the only thing that seems to grow faster than weeds and babies is dogs! So, on the agenda for today's Dogs on Thursday, I thought I'd share some "baby photos" of the kids with you!

Zeus [click linked names for more "grown up" pics], who will be turning 8 in March was just a 16 pound, 7 week old pup when we first brought him home. He grew fast... and he's always had a love for lounging outside, especially in the fall.

babyZeus Zeus_babyporch Zeus_baby Zeus_babySoccer

6 year old "baby girl" Lola was about 4 months old when we adopted her from our local humane society. Zeus really needed something to entertain him as he continually wore his humans us a companion and she fit the bill perfectly. I can't even remember carrying her in my arms, but she's always been a bit of a trouble maker... notice her "I didn't do it" face next to the freshly dug hole in the yard!

ZeusLola_babies Lola_nic
Lola_baby Lola_babyDig

Teutul, who will be turning 5 in October, also arrived at about 4 months of age, first as a foster from TN... but it wasn't long before we realized that we failed at fostering we couldn't let the little PITA cutie leave our home... I can't believe he fit on this tiny little bed!

Teutul_babybed Teutul
Teutul_babyFootball Teutul_baby2004

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that Sophie came to us last October at 10 months of age, first as a foster from MO ... and then we'd like to say that she decided to stay and by Christmas we had officially adopted her. She'll be celebrating birthday #2 with us in December. Her baby pictures are all courtesy of the wonderful Janet of Precious Pets Rescue!

IMG_Scuff IMG_Scuff-a-5-28-07
IMG_Scuff-4-11-07 Scuffie_9-19-07

Enjoy the rest of your doggy day!


Kathy R said...

Baby can anyone resist them?

SissySees said...

Smooch them all on the nose for me. Such cuties...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful babies. I love puppy photos - they are way cuter than most human baby pics! g

Anonymous said...

I love the baby pics! I'm only sorry you failed as foster parents if it means you run out of room to foster more. Otherwise, Yay for failure!

vegasangelbrat said...

Oh how adorable they were as pups and still are!! Funny you did this, I was flipping through pictures alittle last night and was thinking the same thing.
Give them babies lots of hugs!!!

Kenyetta said...

I love the baby pics!

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures. All of your dogs are just adorable!

dogquilter said...

Awww I just love puppy pics!! They are all so cute. Charlotte really likes that Zeus boy too. :)

Anita said...

Awww... what cutie pies they where when they were babies! Sweet!

Bubblesknits said...

How cute!!!

Paula said...

ahhhh, I love baby pictures!
They sure do grow up fast!

i said...

Aaww...they are so adorable!

AllyB said...

I want to pet them all!

Dianne said...

Precious pups! I love that picture of Lola with the freshly dug hole. She wouldn't be so naughty as to dig that hole herself, would she? It looks like she is on the lookout for whoever had the nerve to dig a hole in her yard.

Criquette said...

What beautiful babies they were and still are!

gypsyknits said...

Thank you for sharing your baby album with us. They were/are cuties!

silfert said...

I LOVE baby pictures, especially when they're so obviously adorable!

Mindy said...

Those are all fantastic photos. I can tell your doggies are very well loved!

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