Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Turkey Day and Happy Dogs on Thursday! The sickies have stayed at home today, much to the delight of the kids. They don't seem to mind all the hacking & sneezing going on and are more than happy to cuddle up on the couches with Mommy & Daddy...

Zeus, the ultimate snuggly bunny... but only when he wants to be, of course...


Lola, Sophie & Tut doing their best "Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil" impression...



"Just-need-to-touch-you" Lola will snuggle with anyone... even Tut!



Enjoy your Thanksgiving however it is you prefer to spend it... with furbabies or family... enjoying turkey & all the fixings or burgers & fries! Since we won't be spending Thanksgiving in CT as planned, we went with Plan B.... The turkey that was to be cooked over the weekend has been thawed and popped it in the oven!


Dianne said...

Sweet pictures! I hope you're feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving!

SissySees said...

Great photos! My girls are wadded up in a knot after drooling over the awesome Italian sausage spaghetti we had.

Bubblesknits said...

They're so cute cuddling together. :-) Happy Thanksgiving!

vegasangelbrat said...

Oh I love the cudling laying over one another cute! Hope the sickies are getting better!

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Blog In The Rough said...

they're such cutie pies! I love snuggling dogs. I'd much prefer to spend thanksgiving with my furbabies but alas they werent invited, so I'm spending the wee hours now with them :)

Anonymous said...

Love the cuddling pups. Hope you feel better soon. g

dogquilter said...

Oh how cute! Isn't it wonderful that they still love you even when you are filled with cooties :)

Anita said...

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!! Sweet photos of the pups there! Are you sure Zeus isn't part cat? LOL

Hope you feel better!

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