Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Doggy day again already? It seems like I was just complaining saying how the weekend went by too fast, but now its almost here again. I'm starting to think the real problem is just how busy the weekends have been lately...

Last weekend I had intended to get some spring cleaning done around the house, but other than a quick vacuum, this is as far as I got...

Toys_42509b Toys_42509

I hadn't gone thru the kids' toys in ages and, as you can clearly see, they have been very spoiled and acquired more toys than any 4 dogs should have a lot more toys than I had thought. We have 2 baskets in the living room that make a good effort at trying to contain the mess house their stash... So I started by dumping them both out and began sorting...


Tut kept a close eye on the "cleaning" - which made it hard to try to send anything to doggy toy heaven.... even though there are toys in here that we got when Zeus was a puppy (he's now 8) and toys that no one plays with... ever.


Sophie was more content to run in and grab something, then dash back to the couch. When all was said and done, we had two overflowing baskets of clean, sorted toys (yes, I was anal enough to put balls & bones in one, squeakies, stuffed toys, tuggies, ropes & kongs in the other) and a small bag of toys to drop off at the local dog park. Did I mention I didn't even dare to clean out the mess toys & bones from under the couches and in various spots around the house?

In other doggy news... We've been seeing the usual claming of the morning sun spots this past week. This was going to be a cute pig-pile shot of Tut, Lola and Sophie but the queen had to get down as soon as I grabbed the camera...


She left Tut & Sophie to bask in the glow...

TutSophie_sun_42409 TutSophie_sun_42409b

Tut_sun_42409 TutSophie_sun_42409c

Where was Zeus? Why, he was hiding out in another room of course... being smart enough to find a sun spot that he doesn't have to share!

Zeus_42409 Zeus_42409b

Enjoy the rest of your little Friday...

Sophie says Please... Do not Send Your Pooch's

Bones to Doggy Toy Heaven...



Natalie Rush said...

OH MY GOSH!! you have tons of toys! I need to get some more toys for the new kid! He started chewing on something that wasn't a toy yesterday. I had to go grab one of the few we have and give it to him to help him with figuring out what's a toy and what is the leg of the ironing board. :)

SissySees said...

Ah, look at my man-dog posing for me!! Love you, Zeusy!

See? Now Sissy is going to see those photos and insist she NEEEEDS more toys because she is neglected...

Deb said...

your pooches are so alot of toys!!

Sue said...

I can only sort toys when the pack is outside playing. They want to save them all. Last night Fudge found a bag of toys clean from the dryer and distributed them to everyone.

momsue84 said...

Wonderful pics! Your pups are so sweet. Nice to know we aren't the only ones who "collect" doggy toys.

Kathy R said...

I see a lot of kongs in the pile. A lot! And your pack's toys look nice. All of Lucy's have the ends bitten off and/or the stuffing ripped out.

Dianne said...

Wow, that is a whole lot of toys! You have enough to stock a doggy toy store. Great pics of your babes, too.

Robin said...

Oh My....and I thought Rudy had a lot of toys!

dogquilter said...

Wilbur & Charlotte are very distressed that they don't have nearly the toys that your pups have. They are using your post to show their 'dad' that they really are not spoiled compared to some other pups. It should be an interesting weekend here now...thanks...

Anonymous said...

LOL You have adorable pooches and what a nice life you have given them. Charli says she's jealous because they have more toys then she does. LOL I keep telling her you have more dogs ♥

dogyarnfun said...

What a lot of toys. Such lucky pups and a generous Mama.

Anonymous said...

You know they will at least drag out the old toys that no one ever plays with as soon as you try to send them to doggy heaven. Beau bring a different toy upstairs every day. But doesn't really play with it. g

Bubblesknits said...

That's a lot of toys! Although, I bet that's what it would look like if I ever cleaned out from under *all* my furniture. lol

Anita said...

SNOL! Tut was looking pretty worried there with all the toy cleaning out. :)

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