Thursday, December 10, 2009

Girl Loves Her Cake

Happy Doggy Day! If you only pop in on Thursdays, be sure to scroll back to Sophie's birthday post and romping pictures from our first snowfall.

Little Sophie turned 3 on Sunday and boy was she excited... she got S-N-O-W for her birthday and, of course, C-A-K-E! Enjoy the pictures...

Sophie_cake_1209 Sophie_cake_1209b

I'm so glad she's no longer afraid (scroll back to her 1st bday!) of the big scary world her cakes...


Big Brother Zeus helped in the taste testing... you know, just in case it wasn't good for her or something...



Usually they just lick the cakes before we cut them up for eating... but not Princess... she took a big 'ole bite...


Happy 3rd birthday Sophie!!!
Everyday I am reminded of how happy we are that
you choose to stay with us!



Tina. said...

Ahhhhhh, Happy Birthday Sophie from HoneyDew and Sampson! And way to share the cake!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Sophie! Love the bite of cake, you go girl!:)

Kathy R said...

What a great birthday cake!

I'm going to make dog cookies this weekend. I hope they are as tasty as that cake.

Marjie said...

That's a cute cake! Thor wants to know what kind of dog friendly frosting you use, since his momma will only let him have cakes with meringue on top!

SissySees said...

Happy birthday again, sweet Sophie!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday Sophie! Your cake looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

Awww happy birthdya Sophie!

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