Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Merry

Happy Wordless Wednesday (and a little pre-Doggy Thursday) and Merry Christmas Eve-Eve...


Sophie wants to know if your Christmas will be white?

Sophie_closeup_12909 Sophie_snow_12909

Zeus would love some fluffy white stuff to romp in, so long as its not super cold out...

Zeus_snow_12909 Zeus_snow_12909c

Lola says to leave her alone please... she's busy watching for Santa!

Lola_12609_tree Lola_12609c

Tut's waiting for Santa and some new fresh snow...



Marjie said...

That's an astonishing poinsettia tree. I presume it's not in your house, where the pack could help reshape it, right? Thor's pretty sure Santa came early for him, because all of his people are home and one even brought him a new bone. And he's glad you got more snow than we did, but we all know more's coming.

Marjie said...

email marjie.mcdonald gmail

Just to make it easier for you to talk back!

SissySees said...

SNOL... Thor must have the same special Santa my girls have. Santa has been handing out gifts to them since the beach.

LOVE that left photo of "my" boy, but Lady Lola and the tree couldn't be sweeter! (Smooches to Sophie and Tut just the same...)

AllyB said...

Give your dogs a bit ole hug from me! Merry Christmas Nichole!

Sue said...

I'm with Lola, wait for the old dude with the presents.

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