Thursday, January 07, 2010

Mr. No-Other-Dogs-Touch-Me-When-I'm-On-The-Couch

Happy Doggy Day! That means it's finally Thursday... one step closer to the weekend and some much needed couch time with the pups! When we're hanging out watching TV with them, I usually end up with 1 or 2 on the loveseat, while Matt almost always has Tut laying with him on the couch. Normally Zeus won't even think about getting up unless there are no other dogs on the couch (he'd rather go lie on our bed or one of the dog beds). While he romps around with his brother and sisters all day, he has this thing about having his lounging/sleeping space (wonder where he gets that from?)...

However, Mr. No-Other-Dogs-Touch-Me-When-I'm-On-The-Couch has had a little change of heart lately...


This never happened before! Oh sure, we'd see 3 dogs curled up on one couch, but not with Zeus in the mix. I'm not sure if its the cold weather or the aging boy. If you look real close, you can see there was a pillow "divider" between he and Tut, but they are touching...


"Why is Mom taking pictures... we do this all the time!"


While the 3 stooges were enjoying the big couch, Sophie, the smallest dog of the house, managed to get the loveseat all to her self...


I tried to find some older shots of Zeus "sharing" a couch for comparison. Here he is with Lola back in April and giving his "why are they on my couch" look with Tut & Sophie last December.



That threesome lasted about a minute before this happened...


As you can clearly see, big guy typically likes his own couch, thank you very much... along with pillow and blankie (his Grammy made him this one), of course.



Kim said...

Zues still looks a little annoyed. Cute, but annoyed.

Marjie said...

Zeus is, of course, the head Roman god. Why would he share?

SissySees said...

LOL... I think Marjie nailed it. Sweet, big, beautiful boy!

gypsyknits said...

Oh my gosh. I hopped over here after I posted about Mr. Bettis and couch issues.........good minds think alike.....LOL

Love the pics.

Sue said...

I love that pic of him with his pillow and blankie. Tsar doesn't share his space either.

Bubblesknits said...

lol I love the pillow and blankie pic!

Anita said...

LOL, they all have such personalities don't they? :)

Where do you guys sit? ha ha

Dianne said...

He is such a big handsome boy. I just want to give him a big hug!

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