Friday, February 05, 2010

Fill 'er In

TGIF... time for some Fill-Ins...


1. I know more than you think I do; but I also know there is still so much more to learn.

2. March is the longest month. We don't even get a long weekend!

3. You can't help but smile when you see a wagging tail... or 2... or 3.... or 4...

4. Knitting mojo; bring it on!


5. Where have you looked for that perfect Valentine's gift?

6. The Lapdog Creations bumper sticker is now available, as are many other LC logo items.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a new episode of Ghost Whisperer, tomorrow my plans include watching the Bud Shootout and Sunday, I want to see the Saints kick Manning's butt!


Marjie said...

March may be the longest month, but it contains my anniversary, so I kinda like it anyway. I don't really care who wins Sunday, but my dearly beloved says the Saints play dirty, so he's rooting for Peyton. I'm gonna stay out of it. I like the commercials.

SissySees said...

We've already lost cable. Poooo! Who knows when it will be back?

Cacai M. said...

Hello, that's cool knitted socks.. I like to have two pairs.. that's been so fit to our winter time.. cool ones! I love it. Have a great weekends! TGIF... :-)

My Friday Fill-ins

gypsyknits said...

Inquiring knitter here wants to know what sock yarn you used. That stuff is gorgeous!

gypsyknits said...

Inquiring knitter here wants to know what sock yarn you used. That stuff is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I picked February. I guess March is really long too.

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