Friday, February 12, 2010

Ice Skates and Race Cars and Chocolate Hearts... Oh My!

Finally... Friday is here and we have a long weekend to boot! Good thing, considering its an eventful weekend. Tonight we have the Opening Ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics and Ravelympics! Bob is ready... are you?

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And of course, Sunday is not only Valentine's Day, but also the 52nd annual running of the Daytona 500! Let's go racing boys!

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I can't wait, so let's get started with some Fill-Ins...


1. Pickles are delish - sweet or dill, just no sour for me.

2. The kids and my knitting are at home, where I'd like to be right now.

3. The snow is hitting the South way more than us lately... and I'm certainly not complaining.

4. I want to get out in nature with my new Nikon camera this summer.

5. It's 5:16 PM; that means I should be half way home.

6. Peanut butter ice cream is hard to find - meaning actual peanut butter ice cream, not vanilla or chocolate ice cream with swirls of peanut butter or mini peanut butter cups smooshed in it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching the opening ceremonies and knitting on one of my Ravelympics projects, tomorrow my plans include wrapping Valentine's gifts and Sunday, I want to see Smoke or Ryan with the Daytona 500!


Andrea said...

Snow---I live in Orlando and we might get flurries tonight!

And peanut butter ice cream sounds good!

Andrea said...

Snow---I live in Orlando and we might get flurries tonight!

And peanut butter ice cream sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter ice cream sounds wonderful. Have a great weekend!

Bubblesknits said...


Anita said...

Woohoo! Snow & the Daytona 500 in the same weekend! Doesn't get any better than that here. LOL

I'll be glued to the TV just like I'm sure you will. :)

SissySees said...

I don't know that I've ever had "just peanut butter" ice cream...

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