Thursday, May 06, 2010

Mr. May

Happy Dogs on Thursday! Zeus wants to know if you got the Planet Dog e-newsletter earlier this week? Did you see him?


He just could not contain his excitement when I told him that he was named Mr. May their Canine Moment Winner for May! Meet Happy Dog......



We still have to choose his three prizes from their catalog.... it's been such a hectic week that we just haven't had time to sit down and look through all the goodies!

While their big brother was "lookin' like a fool, rolling all around with his pants on the ground," the rest of the kids were just wondering if he was going to share his winnings (mama's note: of course he is going to share!).

Tut enjoying some fresh spring air...

Teutul_4410 Teutul_4410b

Sophie wondering what all the fuss is about out there...

Sophie_door_410 Sophie_door_410c

Lola thinking she's quite beautiful and should've been Mrs. May...

Lola_4410c Lola_4410d

"ahh, a model's life..."

Zeus_4410f Zeus_4110


SissySees said...

Congrats to all, because Mom's going to make Zeus share. (But he'd share anyway, because he's just that kind of dog!)

gMarie said...

I don't blame him for having is "pants on the ground" one bit! He definately deserved to party it up. Congrats big boy. g

Marjie said...

If the other kids are looking around mournfully, how could Mr. May enjoy his presents if he didn't share? Congrats!

Sue said...

My girls think Zeus is their favorite centerfold or dog of the month.

Dawn said...

Toooo funny...pants on the ground!:) still laughing.....Congrats Mr. May, whoowooo! Fabulous pics of all the handsome babies!

Bubblesknits said...

Congrats to Mr. May! :)

Life With Dogs said...

Hey hey famous pooch! Doing a press tour any time soon? :)

gypsyknits said...

LOVE the post :). Congrats to Mr. May. The pics are
Mr. Bettis says if he must share goodies, Mr. May must also.

Anita said...

That is so awesome for Zeus! Gotta love that nose. :)

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