Monday, July 26, 2010

RIP Sweet Brinley

The heartache in the doggy world continues...  Would you please take a moment to think of sweet little Brinley today?  Although she had never experienced the love of a forever family, I know there are many of you out there who'll show her love at this sad time.  

Brinley was a sweet, but shy little beagle mix who had spent her entire live in a rescue down South.  She was finally adopted and arrived on transport July 11.  Where the story goes from here makes my blood boil.

Brinley went missing in less than 24 hours after she arrived in NH and her "adoptive parents" refused to go look for her. They couldn't even be bothered to inform the rescue that she was missing. The only way the rescue found out was by doing a check-in call to see how she was doing. They were then told, "oh by the way she bolted on July 12 and has not come back!" Her "adoptive parents" went on to say how Brinely was a little too big for them, they thought she was smaller, she is scared of people (hello? you would be too if you spent your life in a rescue and just left the only life you ever knew behind) and... get this ... they said they didn't have time to look for her! It makes me irrate at how many people "adopt" dogs only to cause them more heartache than they had experienced in their entire life at a shelter. 

All dogs in NH should be thankful that we have a wonderful woman named Holly who goes above and beyond to help find missing dogs (this is certainly not the first time a rescue dog has "bolted" from it's new owners, only to have them not care and want a new dog the next day).  I couldn't have said this better than Holly did here (she and I certainly have shared many view on adopters and thoughtless people over the years).  Holly was heading up the search when she got the dreaded phone call yesterday afternoon that a dog had been hit by a car on the highway matching Brinley's description...

RIP dear sweet Brinley. 
I'm hoping that you met Tango as the two of your dear pups crossed
the Rainbow Bridge yesterday....


gypsyknits said...

This infuriates me! Why did they even bother to adopt her? They certainly don't an animal.

Sweet little Brinley will play and romp forever with so many other great pets.

Kathy R said...

So, so sad! Why did they even adopt her? She's a beautiful little dog and I'm sure she's in doggy heaven now.

moevans said...

Words cannot describe my anger and disgust at hearing this.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

That's so sad about Brinley. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to be pet parents.

Marjie said...

It's a really sad story. Poor Brinley.

Bubblesknits said...

I can't even begin to express how angry that makes me. Seriously...I'm having a hard time forming a coherent sentence. #$!@%!!!!!

SissySees said...

What everyone else said. Poor Brinley.

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