Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Friday

Happy Friday!  Are you ready for the Stanley Cup playoff game tonight?  Zeus sure is... go B's!!!

 Zeus_6811c Zeus_6811b

Zeus and his siblings participated in the 3rd Annual Bandana Day over at the Portuguese Water Blog.  This year's color was green and Mama might have spaced a little on getting the Lapdogs photo shoot completed in time... so we improvised a little with pictures from the past.  Be sure to click on over and check out all the doggies sporting green... you might make some new friends!

Speaking of dogs, in case you missed them, we did two reviews this week, Chew 'n Tug antlers and The Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Arthritis in Dogs and CatsScroll back if you missed them...

Time for some Friday Fill-In fun...

1. I remember when I first heard the blood curdling shriek of a fox in our yard in the middle of the night.

2. Rain was showering down on us like it was the end of the world.

3. Most humans will never understand why "the more people I meet, the more I love my dogs".

4. Just do it ...sound familiar?

5. I was inspired by the colors and fibers at my LYS.

6. Still looking for my knitting mojo... who knows where it flew to now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Bruins game, tomorrow my plans include errands... lot & lots of errands and Sunday, I want to get stuff done around the house!

At some point either tonight or tomorrow, we'll go out for our anniversary dinner that we skipped last night due to the storms.  I'm looking forward to a nice dinner out... one that I might even have to dress up a little for.

OK, one last shot for good measure... and because I love Zeus' "look" in this one.  GO B's!!!



Sue said...

Zeus you look very handsome. We'll be watching the game on TV. Go Bruins!!

I bought a 65" tv especially to watch hockey. It's the next best thing to being there.

Wyatt said...

Zeus, your team is going to win for sure with you cheering them on!! Hi! from Bandanna Day :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Kari said...

Stopping by from Friday Fill-ins. Your dog pics are ADORABLE!!

jen said...

Happy Anniversary!
Zeus looks made to wear that hat!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Marjie said...

Happy weekend to all of you! We have a daughter's birthday going on!

WonderWhyGal said...

My dogs would never wear a hat. Zeus is a good boy.

Marushka C. said...

Very cute. I hope your team does well!

Anita said...

Squeee, love the photos of Zeus in his hat. :)

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