Monday, June 04, 2012

Mischief... Lapdog Style

I often wonder what mischief the Lapdogs get into when we're not home, especially on far away race days when they might be home alone a bit longer than they would prefer.... as was the case this past weekend.  One would figure they get in a hefty amount of nap time when we're not home, however they were quite clingy lazy yesterday.  How could dogs be soooooo lazy after a day home alone sleeping?  I might have to set up a hidden camera one of these days!

These photos aren't from their super lazy day yesterday, but they still make you wonder what they've been up to.  Enjoy the rest of your Monday -- we might need to start building an ark if this rain keeps up!

Lola_3112 Sophie_41212

Zeus_41512 Tut_41512b

ZeusSophie_3112 TutLola_41212


Sue said...

We've thought about getting a pup cam to see what goes on, but it might be too scary.

SissySees said...

We too have discussed a web cam for the girls. I'd really like to have had it the day Sis went in the master bath, opened the vanity, got an almost full bag of cotton balls, and ripped it to shreads on the Knight's side of the bed...

Anonymous said...

Hey Lapdogs, Jet here.
Nice to make your acquaintance on the MM bloghop.

Shhhh... don't tell your human any secrets, it's in the K9 code! If they film what can you do... until then, mum's the word!

jen said...

I have often thought about putting up a video camera when we are away. I am just so curious what they are up too!

Stay dry!

Colby said...

We setup a web cam for Linus so we could spy on him while at work. He mostly just slept on the couch.

Happy Monday!

Kathy R said...

I think Zeus needs a bigger dog pillow!

I do wonder what my girl does when she's home alone. She was laying on her dog couch when I left this morning. I closed the master bathroom door though because she occasionally takes things out of that trash can and shreds them in weird places around the house.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Sorry I didn't get to enter that giveaway. I just went in there now to look at it.

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