Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't Let Politics Divide Us

Excuse the drive by post today... it was probably going to be a no-post day actually.  That is, until I stumbled upon this Kid Rock & Sean Penn public service short-film, "Americans."  It's a must watch - just please note the language is rated R, so it's not for younger ears.  No matter which side of the vote you're on, the message is what's most important... We are all Americans, Don't Let Politics Divide Us.


Sue said...

Not easy to do. I "unfriended " several Facenook people because I couldn 't stomach the garbage they posted. I try to keep my political feelings private but I'm tired of listening to others repeating lies and insulting remarks over and over.

Unknown said...

Oh dear best keep away from politics unless it is gently fun. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Kathy R said...

201That was a good video!

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