Home of the Free... Because of the Brave.
Now, time for a little Monday Mischief, where L is for...
Actually, it's double L is for...
Lazy Lola! This is how she spent much of the day yesterday... and when I say "much," I mean about two-thirds of the day.
As a reminder, don't forget to enter to win the awesome gift basket from Diamond Naturals and check out the great 20% off coupon code we have just in time for holiday shopping at Dog City & Co.! We have some more great items to tell you about in the coming weeks as well... stay tuned!
Chester & Gretel ALWAYS lay around on the couch when we are home. mischief would be if they didn't :)
Lola sure looks comfy
urban hounds
Lola says when you reach a certain age you need your beauty sleep. She looks so comfy on that couch!
Wrigs spend most of the day doing the same thing--he'll move from the couch to a dog bed, then a different dog bed, then to our bed, then back to the couch, with a bit of porch napping thrown in for good measure. He always wakes up for meals, though. :-)
Susan and Wrigs
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