Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Mischief: L is For...

Happy Veteran's Day!  We'd first like to thank all those who serve, and have served, to protect what is so precious to us.... as well as the soldiers' families and loved ones who keep the home fires burning while they are away. 

Home of the Free... Because of the Brave.

Now, time for a little Monday Mischief, where L is for...

She hasn't moved... #lazySunday #dogstagram #dobermanmix

Actually, it's double L is for...

Lazy Sunday morning, Lola style... #dogstagram #dobermanmix #crochet blanket made by my Mom

Lazy Lola!  This is how she spent much of the day yesterday... and when I say "much," I mean about two-thirds of the day.

As a reminder, don't forget to enter to win the awesome gift basket from Diamond Naturals and check out the great 20% off coupon code we have just in time for holiday shopping at Dog City & Co.!  We have some more great items to tell you about in the coming weeks as well... stay tuned!


Jessica @ YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner said...

Chester & Gretel ALWAYS lay around on the couch when we are home. mischief would be if they didn't :)

tubby3pug said...

Lola sure looks comfy

urban hounds

Life with Wrigs said...

Lola says when you reach a certain age you need your beauty sleep. She looks so comfy on that couch!

Wrigs spend most of the day doing the same thing--he'll move from the couch to a dog bed, then a different dog bed, then to our bed, then back to the couch, with a bit of porch napping thrown in for good measure. He always wakes up for meals, though. :-)

Susan and Wrigs

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