Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dreaming of Green Grass

Happy First Day of Spring!  This is what we woke up to...

Happy Spring - Lola #dogstagram #dobermanmix #winterwontend #dobiemix #ilovemydogs #snow #mud


We're dreaming of this...


Ok, well maybe it's only me who's dreaming of baby otters (seriously... Did you know the Australia Zoo does Otter Encounters?!?!  It's on my bucket list for sure!), but I think everyone would like to see some sunshine, warm temps (note: I did not say hot!), and green grass.  In honor of our dreams and Throwback Thursday....
View from my little corner of the world right now... #bruins #crystallight #knitting #yarn #knitstagram #PopCorners #deck #spring



Marjie said...

We woke up to more mud. I am hopeful that the snow is over, but we've had it in April, so I'm not all that hopeful!

tubby3pug said...

ugh! at least it has warmed up in NYC area so maybe its on its way to boston
retro rover

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Our spring is not startin' out da way we wants it too either AND we is prolly gonna gets MORE snow dis week...da nerve! ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

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