Here we go, 10 Everyday Things That Delight You...
1. Dogs. Mine, of course, but also yours, as well of all of those in need of a forever home.

2. My Knitting. I almost always have some WIP with me. Knitting therapy works wonders. It keeps me sane, and keeps me busy with long race days in the summer. Knitting also provides me with an excuse to further my project/tote bag addiction.

3. Coffee. I run on Dunkin... or whatever coffee I brew at home. I also love the smell of freshly brewing coffee.

4. My camera(s) and my photos. I snap pics nearly every day, whether on my phone or actual camera. I think I caught the shutter-bug fever from my Mom. She was always the one taking shots of my cousins and I growing up.

5. Flowers. Gerber Daisies are my favorite, but I also love roses and tulips... or any fresh cut flowers for that matter.

6. Wildlife. Our yard is often full of birds, rabbits, woodchucks and squirrels. I enjoy just watching them go about their daily routines. We also see the occasional skunk, deer, fox, etc. I'm always watching for wildlife in our travels. I've been told I have great deer and moose radar.

7. The Ocean. I grew up on an island in Massachusetts and while I've never been a lay-on-the-beach-and-fry type of person, I do adore ocean strolls, the smell and sound of crashing waves, beach glass, and of course ocean-related food. I do not like the smell of low tide.

8. Fresh Tomatoes. It's been a couple of years since I had my container garden on the back deck. I'm planning a smaller scale one this year, with things I know grow well.. definitely tomatoes and basil.

9. Dragonflies. I'm fascinated by these delicate creatures. It's good luck when they land on you, right?

10. Autumn in New England. There's nothing quite like it... nothing at all.

The pups and knitting - great ways to make you smile. I like your list Nichole!
Great list. I have to agree with all, though my fave flower is a violet and mine are almost ready to bloom.
Oh the daisies! And the dogs. Great list Nichole!
Those are all delightful things!
Great list
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