Sunday, August 13, 2017

Life is a Journey #SundaysAreFor

Happy Sunday-fun-day! Always remember...

rescue dog in car rearview mirror

A scenic Sunday drive is always fun, especially with a 4-legged pal.

Of course, a lazy Sunday at home can be fun too... especially when you've been on the go for what seems like weeks.

What's in store for your Sunday? A drive? Relaxing at home? Maybe checking out a new eatery or hiking spot? Do tell... and enjoy the rest of your weekend because Monday will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Marjie said...

That is one happy rider, no doubt! Bebop is convinced the only place he can ride is his girl's lap, and that's hard to do when she's know, that pesky steering wheel thing gets in the way of a short, wide doggy!

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