On that note... please meet Lilah (click all the links for extra photos - I told you I took way too many!), the 45 pound basset hound/black lab mix who will wrap her stubby little legs around your heart in an instant!
She sure is a Dandy... though we never called her that (it was her original name in the South and so unfitting for such a pretty little lady)! She's been making herself right at home since the minute she walked through our front door. Our kids are all happy to have a new wrestling and tug-of-war buddy (how cute are they?) around.
This is actually the only picture I've managed to snap of all 4 of them thusfar... its hard when your guest target moves at 100 miles a minute!
She's been wrestling with Tut outside...
Cleaning everyone's ears...
Finding favorite spots to call home...
Trying to imitate her big step-brothers & sister...
And sometimes not quite understanding
the concept of a camera (I so love this photo)...
Lilah's a great little girl who's going to make one fantastic doggy and it sounds like she may be getting adopted over the weekend! Friends/neighbors of the family who adopted her sister Bella are very interested and if all goes well, we'll meet them tomorrow.
Lilah (are you still clicking the links? check out her gigantic feet!) wanted to give an extra woofy thank you to the wonderful Gigi who so graciously crocheted a whole bag full of snuggles for me to have on hand for my foster dogs. I had made mention to her that I wanted to start knitting some and have a stash on hand for the dogs to take when they come and just a couple weeks later, I have a huge shopping bag full of gorgeous snuggles! Thank you Gigi, you are such a thoughtful person! Lilah got to have the first pickings and I think she choose beautifully...
Doesn't she look beautiful in her Snuggle by Gigi? She wrapped herself up in it right away and has been carrying it around the house, balling it up in her create, etc. Now... speaking of snuggles, I wanted to announce a little contest that I've had in the back of my mind for a little while now. Do you see the link at the top of my blog to donate to the ASPCA? I set my fundraising goal to $1,000 for them and hope to reach it by Christmas. Some of you donated when I first put it up, but donations have come to a screaching halt in the past month or so. So, I'm anncouncing the first ever Lapdog Creations contest... details to follow very shortly in a separate post!
This sure has been a long post... Mom Lilah (you still clicking? don't they look like the Three Amigos?) needs a nap now!
I cannot believe how strange (in a good way) she looks with those little short legs. She has that lab face tho, that will get you every time!
I've been taking lots of dog pictures too, even set up my Dog on Thursday posting way ahead of time. Love the "three amigo" picture! When we had three dogs we used to call them "the stooges" :-)
Oh what a cutie!
I love her coloring and I bet she is just super lovable!
I am glad she is getting such a good foster home and I hope she has an equally wonderful forever home!
Elise says Lilah is beautiful and that a Basset/Lab mix is a great combo! Because she can sniff out the rabbit and retrieve it too!
Love your pack! All good dogs.
She's such a beautiful girl. I love Dogs on Thursday.
Lilah is so cute, I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at photos of her!
She looks SO glam wrapped in her snuggli! The girl is stylin' !
Oh so cute! You are quite welcome for the snuggles. I have to say that Lilah has good taste. She picked out one of my favorites. =-D I'm glad she is enjoying it so much!
My Zeus woofs back!
I love the close up photo of Lilah, that cracked me up.
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