Thursday, September 06, 2007

Please Take A Second...

... to read this awful, heartbreaking, peed-me-off like you would not believe, story. I had just finished posting my entry for today (Dogs on Thursday) and this came in my afternoon headline news.

Officer Accused After K-9 Dies In Hot Car
Temperatures Reached 109 Degrees
UPDATED: 11:42 am EDT September 6, 2007

PHOENIX -- Authorities arrested a Chandler police officer Wednesday in the death of a police dog that was left in a hot patrol car for more than 12 hours, KPHO-TV in Phoenix reported.

I won't post the whole story here, instead
click here to read it. If this ticks you off even a fraction of how much it does me, please, please take another moment to go here and file a complaint against this jerk! A dog should never, ever be left in a locked car for 12 hours - PERIOD. Nevermind the sweltering temps. And all the while he was napping, running errands and have dinner with his wife? The blog sensors won't allow me to type the words I really want to do so here.


Sonya said...


Sonya said...

I went and read it.

How effing stupid does he have to be?? I would love to know why he thought that was an ok thing to do.. I almost expect that from some asshole out there, but not from a police officer.

Sonya said...

Hre is my complaint
"I am appaled at the actions of Mr. Lovejoy.
What kind of officer, let alone a K9 officer, would leave a dog in a car?

Michael Vick is going to jail for his participation in killing dogs, Mr. Lovejoy should also. He should not be allowed to work with the K9 unit ever again."

Paula said...

I went ahead and sent in a complaint.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! Can't believe he didn't have more sense. Just awful.

Dianne said...

What is happening to this world? I sent in a complaint, and posted about it on my blog. Poor Bandit. It is all so unfair. I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race when I read about how fellow humans treat those entrusted to our care.

Cindy said...

Inexcusable. This sort of thing makes me so angry. As if dogs are lesser beings. Puleeeez.

Anonymous said...

Oh Nicole - how do you keep finding out about all these idiots in the world! A dog should never be left in a car in the summer period!!!!

I thought Police Officers had a better understanding and some great relationship with their dogs than most of general society! UGH!!! g

silfert said...

I filed a complaint, too. This inhuman being has caused the death of a fellow officer and deserves the heaviest penalty they can devise. And don't worry about not being able to type your true feelings, we all share them.

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